
jetlang actor模式使用




Finally, we look at the Jetlang library, which technically does not provide an actor framework but rather a set of building blocks from which actor-like functionality (as well as other architectures) can be assembled. Jetlang is based on the older Retlang library for .NET.

Jetlang has three primary concepts:



  • Fiber - a lightweight thread-like construct
  • Channel - a way to pass messages between Fibers
  • Callback - a function to be invoked when a message arrives on a Channel in the context of a Fiber
These building blocks are enough to assemble the concept of an actor. I created an Actor class, shown in Listing 8, that holds a Fiber, a Channel to use as an inbox, and a Callbackfunction to call when messages arrive in the inbox. It also provides a send() method to put a message on the actor's inbox queue.

Listing 8. An actor in Jetlang

public class Actor<T> {
  private final Channel<T> inbox;
  private final Fiber fiber;
  private final Callback<T> callbackFunction;

  public Actor(Fiber fiber, Channel<T> inbox, Callback<T> callbackFunction) {
    this.fiber = fiber;
    this.inbox = inbox;
    this.callbackFunction = callbackFunction;

  public Channel<T> inbox() {
    return this.inbox;

  public Fiber fiber() {
    return this.fiber;

  public Callback<T> callbackFunction() {
    return this.callbackFunction;

  public void send(T message) {

 I then created an ActorFactory, shown in Listing 9, that can be used to create new actors from a Callback function. This simplifies the process of obtaining a Fiber and creating the Actor.

Listing 9. ActorFactory


public class ActorFactory {
  private final ExecutorService threads;
  private final PoolFiberFactory fiberFactory;

  public ActorFactory() {
    threads = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    fiberFactory = new PoolFiberFactory(threads);

  public Fiber startFiber() {
    Fiber fiber = fiberFactory.create();
    return fiber;

  public <T> Channel<T> createInbox() {
    return new MemoryChannel<T>();

  public <T> Actor<T> createActor(Callback<T> actorCallback) {
    Fiber fiber = startFiber();
    Channel<T> inbox = createInbox();
    inbox.subscribe(fiber, actorCallback);
    return new Actor<T>(fiber, inbox, actorCallback);

 The actor classes are then defined as a Callback, as in Listing 10.

Listing 10. Jetlang Player callback function

public class Player implements Callback<PlayMessage> {
  private final String name;

  public Player(String name) {
    this.name = name;

  public void onMessage(PlayMessage message) {
      new ThrowMessage(name, randomMove()));

  // etc




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