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Here's an exclusive preview just for the Conduiters who hang around the forum:
What's the most annoying thing when trying to embed parts of your site inside your toolbar (usually using HTML components)?
That you only have 20px height to work with...

Not any more!

Introducing our Floating Web Components! (that's a temporary name)
Now you can go beyond the 20px boundaries of your toolbar and create a large window with any web page in it (similar to our weather window).

That means that you can expand the real estate of your toolbar and create windows that display any web pages without being limited to the height of your toolbar.

Just think: all those cool gadgets and widgets that are now widely available on the net can be displayed from within your toolbar!
The possibilities are endless: video players, login forms, advanced search forms, Google gadgets....

Here's how to add a Floating Web Component to your toolbar:
All you need to do is add a link in this format to the URL of any component:

For example:

Simple ah?
You can add these links to any button, button with menu, or HTML Component.

Currently this only works from version of the toolbar in IE but will be available soon in Firefox too and in Firefox from version

Go crazy and don't forget to share what you've done with this cool new addition.
3 楼 hfeeqi 2007-04-08  
Here is a modification to the "18 item To Do List". It will open it in a sized (popup) window, which you can configure as you wish. The code consists of two .HTM(L) pages. The second goes in your toolbar, and it calls the first, which actually has the "To Do List" code. Both of these pages will need to be hosted on YOUR website !!

As stated, the actual "To Do List" code is found HERE:   http://yaldex.com/FSCookies/ToDoList.htm

This code will need to be placed within the <BODY></BODY> section of an .HTML page  called say , "todo_list.htm". The look of the page can be changed by modifying the code following the SECOND  "</script>" from the bottom.

The second page, which you will call from your toolbar, has the Javascript code needed to place the above page in a window. You could call it something like "todo.htm".

This code can be generated HERE:   http://javascript.internet.com/generators/popup-window.html

You will also need to add this code snippet in the <HEAD> section -- It will warn the user if they have Popups disabled (Popups ENABLED) is required for this to work):


var popWin = window.open("","ptest","width=1,height=1,left=5000,top=5000",true); 
if (popWin) { 
} else { 
  alert("This function REQUIRES Popups. Please turn Popup Blocker OFF !!"); 

You can view MY completed .HTML HERE:   http://www.tlchrist.info/toolbar/todo.htm

NOTE: You will need to open this page with an HTML editor in order to see anything !!

Finally, create a button on YOUR toolbar using the "Add Link Button". Put the FULL URL of the "Popup window script" .HTM page in the "Destination URL: " box, i.e..  "http://www.yoursite.com/toolbar/todo.htm". Add an icon, text, and a "hint", and you are finished !!
2 楼 hfeeqi 2007-04-08  
Here is a modification to the "18 item To Do List". It will open it in a sized (popup) window, which you can configure as you wish. The code consists of two .HTM(L) pages. The second goes in your toolbar, and it calls the first, which actually has the "To Do List" code. Both of these pages will need to be hosted on YOUR website !!

As stated, the actual "To Do List" code is found HERE:   http://yaldex.com/FSCookies/ToDoList.htm

This code will need to be placed within the <BODY></BODY> section of an .HTML page  called say , "todo_list.htm". The look of the page can be changed by modifying the code following the SECOND  "</script>" from the bottom.

The second page, which you will call from your toolbar, has the Javascript code needed to place the above page in a window. You could call it something like "todo.htm".

This code can be generated HERE:   http://javascript.internet.com/generators/popup-window.html

You will also need to add this code snippet in the <HEAD> section -- It will warn the user if they have Popups disabled (Popups ENABLED) is required for this to work):


var popWin = window.open("","ptest","width=1,height=1,left=5000,top=5000",true);
if (popWin) {
} else {
  alert("This function REQUIRES Popups. Please turn Popup Blocker OFF !!");

You can view MY completed .HTML HERE:   http://www.tlchrist.info/toolbar/todo.htm

NOTE: You will need to open this page with an HTML editor in order to see anything !!

Finally, create a button on YOUR toolbar using the "Add Link Button". Put the FULL URL of the "Popup window script" .HTM page in the "Destination URL: " box, i.e..  "http://www.yoursite.com/toolbar/todo.htm". Add an icon, text, and a "hint", and you are finished !!
1 楼 hfeeqi 2007-04-08  
We implemented this in our "Horizon Toolbar" and it works fine.


Here are the complete instructions, simplified:

1) Enusre you have the very latest version of your Toolbar (4.5.132 for Internet Explorer).

2) Log into your Conduit account.

3) Add a new "Link Button".

4) Give your button an icon and a name.

5) Paste this in for the "Destination URL": javascript:EBOpenPopHtml('http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.html',258,246);

6) Ensure "Open in new window" is un-checked.

Save your changes and that's it.

As already stated, this is an excellent component.



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