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关于Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views的解决方

今天写了一个更新UI的小例子,没想到出了log打印了这样一个错误:Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views。goolgle了一下找到了原因。



    Android studio :后台修改前台界面Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views

    Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views 这句话的意思是:只有创建这个view的线程才能操作这个view 解决方法就是handle 1、 Handler mHandler; 2、 mHandler = new Handler();...

    Android 子线程更新UI

    android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. 这个异常为何不是 Only the main thread that created a view hierarchy ...


    2.android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. 3.java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread ...

    详解Android UI更新的几种方法

    如果是在WT进行UI的更新,则会抛出异常,android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.(只有创建这个View的原


    例如在子线程进行耗时较长的下载,等下载完成之后,再去更新UI,提示用户下载完成,直接在子线程里更新UI,会得到报错提示:Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views。...


    本文实例讲述了Android实现在子线程中更新Activity中...ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1222): android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its

    Android View Hierarchy,解决View Hierarchy不能启动

    解决这个启动 View Hierarchy时的这个bug: hierarchy viewer unable to debug device


    为什么可以在子线程通过setText进行更新UI ... Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.); } } 一般情况下在子线程更新UI是会报错的,因为在ViewRootImpl

    【Android】CalledFromWrongThreadException 深入源码分析

    在使用 dialog 的时候,因为线程问题,在调用 dismiss() 方法的时候,出现如下常见的 crash–Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.,堆栈信息如下: threadName:main,...

    ViewServer-解决View Hierarchy不能启动

    解决The standalone version of hieararchyviewer is deprecated.问题的文件,有源码,也有打好的apk文件


    Views and the View Hierarchy Chapter 4. Text Input and Delegation Chapter 5. View Controllers Chapter 6. Programmatic Views Chapter 7. Localization Chapter 8. Controlling Animations Chapter 9. ...

    The Elements of Computing Systems

    Unlike other texts that cover only one aspect of the field, The Elements of Computing Systems gives students an integrated and rigorous picture of applied computer science, as its comes to play in the...


    The HDFView is a Java-based tool for browsing and editing NCSA HDF4 and HDF5 files. HDFView allows users to browse through any HDF4 and HDF5 file; starting with a tree view of all top-level objects in...

    The Essential Qt 3.3 Class Hierarchy

    The Essential Qt 3.3 Class Hierarchy


    Intent locks improve performance because SQL Server examines intent locks only at the table level to determine whether a transaction can safely acquire a lock on that table. This removes the ...

    hierarchy view连接真机调试需要viewserver



    On the other hand data, that is accessed infrequently, such as old historical data, can be moved to slow disks or stored in subsystems that support a storage hierarchy. Partitioning satisfies this ...

    Memory Systems - Cache, DRAM, Disk

    Memory Systems: Cache, DRAM, Disk is the fi rst book that takes on the whole hierarchy in a way that is consistent, covers the complete memory hierarchy, and treats each aspect in signifi cant detail....

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