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Using wsadmin to restore WAS server configuration



RAD is a terrible IDE, but sometimes you have to work on it.


One of the most frequently happened problem is that we always get an error like below:

AdminTask.importWasprofile(['-archive', '******.metadata/.plugins/com.ibm.ws.ast.st.v6.core/tmp0/WAS60ServerConfig.car'])
com.ibm.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython:
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: importWasprofile(): 1st arg can't be coerced to String


This is an error happened when we are trying to use .car file to restore the WAS configuration, you probably do it by this approach, right click a server profile in the server tab, select Server Configuration --> Restore...

Most times you will get the above error, I have tried many times on different versions of RAD, none of any attempt has been successfull.


This problem has been a pain in the ass for a very long time, till I found I can use wsadmin to restore the configuration instead of using the context menu of RAD.


Here is the steps:


1. Start the WAS Server

2. Run wsadmin in a cmd shell :

C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v6\bin>wsadmin -conntype SOAP -host -port 8881 -user wsadmin -password wsadmin 

Note: The host should be the server ip address, and the port number here may be different with yours, please check the SOAP port number of your own server.

if the your server profile is created with an admin user name and password, you should add -user wsadmin -password wsadmin at the end of the command line.

3. Once you have connected to the server you could get a prompt of wsadmin> and execute the following command:

wsadmin>$AdminTask importWasprofile {-archive C:\WAS60ServerConfig.car}
wsadmin>$AdminConfig save

Note: C:\WAS60ServerConfig.car is the .car file you should have and be used.and wait until it is executed.

4. Exit the cmd shell and it's done.


 To export current profile config for backup:

wsadmin>$AdminTask exportWasprofile {-archive C:\WAS60ServerConfig.car}


 To delete a profile:

IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName AppSrv01

IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>manageprofiles.bat -validateAndUpdateRegistry











    wsadmin自动部署脚本 ...有创建serer,创建MQ,MQ connection factory,MQ listner, JDBC provider, DataSource,Websphere Variable等等一套方法,亲测,可以直接在WAS6 server下的wsadmin运行。

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    wasSmooth 是一个 jython 库,用于简化 IBM WebSphere Application Server 管理员使用 wsadmin 的工作。 这个想法是创建有意义的类,这些类可以很容易地用来创建强大的脚本,而没有 wsadmin 所需的通常的胡言乱语。



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