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apache configure



Apache 1.3 Autoconf-style Interface (APACI)


APACI is an Autoconf-style interface for the Unix side of the Apache 1.3

HTTP server source distribution. It is actually not GNU Autoconf-based, i.e.

the GNU Autoconf package itself is not used. Instead APACI just provides a

similar batch configuration interface and a corresponding out-of-the-box

build and installation procedure.

The basic goal is to provide the following commonly known and expected

procedure for out-of-the-box building and installing a package like Apache:

$ gunzip <apache_1.3.X.tar.gz | tar xvf -

$ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX [...]

$ make

$ make install

NOTE: PREFIX is not the string "PREFIX". Instead use the Unix

filesystem path under which Apache should be installed. For

instance use "/usr/local/apache" for PREFIX above.

After these steps Apache 1.3 is completely installed under PREFIX and

already initially configured, so you can immediately fire it up the first

time via

$ PREFIX/sbin/apachectl start

to get your first success event with the Apache HTTP server without having

to fiddle around with various options for a long time. On the other hand

APACI provides a lot of options to adjust the build and installation process

for flexibly customizing your Apache installation. So, APACI provides both:

Out-of-the-box building and installation for the impatient and powerful

custom configuration for the experts.

Detailed Description


For a detailed description of all available APACI options please read the

file INSTALL or at least run the command

$ ./configure --help

for a compact one-page summary of the possibilities you have.

Alternatively, you can start from the following examples.



In the following typical or even interesting variants of the available

configuration steps are shown to give you an impression what APACI is good

for and what APACI can do for you to be able to install Apache without much


Standard installation


The standard installation is done via

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache

$ make

$ make install

This builds Apache 1.3 with the standard set of enabled modules

(automatically determined from src/Configuration.tmpl) with an Apache 1.2

conforming subdirectory layout under /path/to/apache. For using the GNU

style subdirectory layout additionally use the --with-layout=GNU option:

$ ./configure --with-layout=GNU --prefix=/path/to/apache

$ make

$ make install

If you are not sure which directory layout you want, you can use the

--show-layout option. It displays the directory layout which would be used

but immediately exits without configuring anything. Examples:

$ ./configure --show-layout

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache --show-layout

$ ./configure --with-layout=GNU --prefix=/path/to/apache --show-layout

Additionally if some of the shown paths still don't fit for your particular

situation, you can use the --bindir, --sbindir, --libexecdir, --mandir,

--sysconfdir, --datadir, --localstatedir, --runtimedir, --logfiledir and

--proxycachedir options to adjust the layout as required. Always check with

--show-layout the resulting directory layout which would be used for


suEXEC support


The suEXEC feature of Apache provides a mechanism to run CGI and SSI

programs under the user and group id of the owner of the program. It is

neither installed nor configured per default for Apache 1.3, but APACI

supports it with additional options:

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \

--enable-suexec \

--suexec-caller=www \

--suexec-userdir=.www \

--suexec-docroot=/path/to/root/dir \

--suexec-logfile=/path/to/logdir/suexec_log \

--suexec-uidmin=1000 \

--suexec-gidmin=1000 \


$ make

$ make install

This automatically builds and installs Apache 1.3 with suEXEC support for

the caller uid "www" and the user's homedir subdirs ".www". The default

paths for --suexec-docroot is the value from the --datadir option with

the suffix "/htdocs" and the --logfiledir value with the suffix

"/suexec_log" for the --suexec-logfile option. The access paths for the

suexec program are automatically adjusted and the suexec program is

installed, so Apache can find it on startup.

Building multiple platforms in parallel


When you want to compile Apache for multiple platforms in parallel it is

useful to share the source tree (usually via NFS, AFS or DFS) but build the

object files in separated subtrees. This can be accomplished by letting

APACI create a source shadow tree and build there:

$ ./configure --shadow --prefix=/path/to/apache

$ make

$ make install

Then APACI first determines the GNU platform triple, creates a shadow tree

in src.<gnu-triple> plus corresponding Makefile.<gnu-triple> and then

performs the complete build process inside this shadow tree.

Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) support


Apache 1.3 supports building modules as shared objects on all major Unix

platforms (see section "Supported Platforms" in document

htdocs/manual/dso.html for details). APACI has a nice way of enabling the

building of DSO-based modules and automatically installing them:

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \

--enable-module=rewrite \


$ make

$ make install

This builds and installs Apache with the default configuration except that

it adds the mod_rewrite module and automatically builds and installs it as a

DSO, so it is optionally available for loading under runtime. To make your

life even more easy APACI additionally inserts a corresponding `LoadModule'

line into the httpd.conf file in the installation phase.

APACI also supports a variant of the --enable-shared option:

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \


$ make

$ make install

This enables shared object building for the maximum of modules, i.e. all

enabled modules (--enable-module or the default set) except for mod_so

itself (the bootstrapping module for DSO support). So, to build a

full-powered Apache with maximum flexibility by building and installing most

of the modules, you can use:

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \

--enable-module=most \


$ make

$ make install

This first enables most of the modules (all modules except some problematic

ones like mod_auth_db which needs third party libraries not available on

every platform or mod_log_agent and mod_log_referer which are deprecated)

and then enables DSO support for all of them. This way you get all these

modules installed and you then can decide under runtime (via the

`LoadModule') directives which ones are actually used. This is especially

useful for vendor package maintainers to provide a flexible Apache package.

On-the-fly added additional/private module


For Apache there are a lot of modules flying around on the net which solve

particular problems. For a good reference see the Apache Module Registory at

http://modules.apache.org/ and the Apache Group's contribution directory at

http://www.apache.org/dist/contrib/modules/. These modules usually come in a

file named mod_foo.c. APACI supports adding these sources on-the-fly to the

build process:

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \


$ make

$ make install

This automatically copies mod_foo.c to src/modules/extra/, activates it in

the configuration and builds Apache with it. A very useful way is to combine

this with the DSO support:

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \

--add-module=/path/to/mod_foo.c \


$ make

$ make install

This builds and installs Apache with the default set of modules, but

additionally builds mod_foo as a DSO and adds a `LoadModule' line to the

httpd.conf file to activate it for loading under runtime.

Apache and mod_perl


The Apache/Perl integration project (http://perl.apache.org/) from Doug

MacEachern <dougm@perl.apache.org> is a very powerful approach to integrate

a Perl 5 interpreter into the Apache HTTP server both for running Perl

programs and for programming Apache modules in Perl. The distribution

mod_perl-1.XX.tar.gz can be found on http://perl.apache.org/src/. Here is

how you can build and install Apache with mod_perl:

$ gunzip <apache_1.3.X.tar.gz | tar xvf -

$ gunzip <mod_perl-1.XX.tar.gz | tar xvf -

$ cd mod_perl-1.XX

$ perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.X/src \



$ make

$ make install

[optionally you now have the chance to prepare or add more

third-party modules to the Apache source tree]

$ cd ../apache_1.3.X

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \

--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \


$ make

$ make install

Apache and PHP


The PHP language (http://www.php.net) is an HTML-embedded scripting language

which can be directly integrated into the Apache HTTP server for powerful HTML

scripting. The package can be found at http://www.php.net/downloads.php

1. How you can install Apache with a statically linked PHP:

$ gunzip <apache_1.3.X.tar.gz | tar xvf -

$ gunzip <php-3.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -

$ cd apache_1.3.X

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache

$ cd ../php-3.0

$ ./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.X

$ make

$ make install

[optionally you now have the chance to prepare or add more

third-party modules to the Apache source tree]

$ cd ../apache_1.3.X

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache \


$ make

$ make install

2. You can also use APXS:

$ cd apache-1.3.X

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache --enable-shared=max

$ make

$ make install

$ cd php-3.0.X

$ ./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/apache/bin/apxs \


$ make

$ make install

At this point don't forget to edit your conf/httpd.conf file and

make sure the file contains the line for PHP 3:

AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3

Or this line for PHP 4:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Then restart your server.



    how configure php-fpm 5.x and apache 2.4.x for virtualmin on centos 6

    how configure php-fpm 5.x and apache 2.4.x for virtualmin on centos 6


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