

     1.1 DecimalFormat的基本使用
        NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat("000000");;
        String s = format.format(-1234.567);    //-001235
        NumberFormat format1 = new DecimalFormat("##");
        String ss = format1.format(-1234.567);  //-001235
        NumberFormat format2 = new DecimalFormat(".00");
        String sString = format2.format(0.567);     //.57
        NumberFormat format3 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        String string2 = format3.format(0.567);     //0.57
        NumberFormat format4 = new DecimalFormat("#.#");
        String s1 = format4.format(1234.567);   //1234.6
        NumberFormat format5 = new DecimalFormat("#.000000");
        String s3 = format5.format(1234.567);   //1234.567000
        NumberFormat format6 = new DecimalFormat("#,###,###");
        String s4 = format6.format(1234.567);   //1235
        format6 = new DecimalFormat("'$'#");
        String s5 = format6.format(-1234.567);  //-$1235
        format6 = new DecimalFormat("'abc'#");
        s5 = format6.format(-1234.567);  //-abc1235

        Locale locale = Locale.CANADA;
        String s = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale).format(-1234.56);//-1,234.56
        locale = Locale.GERMAN;
        s = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale).format(-1234.56);       //-1.234,56
        s = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(-1234.56);             //-1,234.56
            Number number = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.GERMAN).parse("-1.234,56");
            if(number instanceof Long){
                System.out.println("it's Long type");
            }else if(number instanceof Double){
                System.out.println("it's Double type");              //在这行输出结果
        catch (ParseException e)
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        Locale locale = Locale.CANADA;
        String string = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale).format(123.45);//$123.45   这里是货币的格式化方式

        Locale locale1 = Locale.CANADA;
        String pp = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale1).format(123.456);   //这里是百分比的格式化形式

         DateFormat dFormat= new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss a");   //a 会根据不同的地区或国家来显示不同的时段,在中国就是上午的意思
         String pp = dFormat.format(new Date());        //08.59.28 上午
      若是我们在     DateFormat dFormat= new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss a",Locale.ENGLISH);那么出现的就是
         String pp = dFormat.format(new Date());        //08.59.28 AM
      df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss Z");可以加上Local.ENGLISH
      Date date2 = (Date)df.parse("22:14:02 -0500");//Fri Jan 02 11:14:02 CST 1970 Z代表时区的概念
       DateFormat dFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE",Locale.CHINA);//若是在默认的情况下就是取得默认地区的形式
      System.out.println(dFormat.format(new Date()));     //星期三

    2.3 SimpleDateFormat的基本使用
java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",Locale.CHINA);// 表示24小时制
              java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss",Locale.CHINA);//表示12小时制

2.4 常用转化以 将一个String类型的数值转化为DATE类型。
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHhhss");        ————这里最关键
            Date pp = df.parse("20081002102030");
            DateFormat p1p = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

           // 如此即可以把一个String类型的转化为自己需要形式的String类型  

     Object[] params = new Object[]{new Integer(123), new Integer(1234)};
    String msg = MessageFormat.format("There are {0} a''s and {1} b''s", params);
    // There are 123 a's and 1,234 b's
    msg = MessageFormat.format("There are {0,number} a''s and {1,number} b''s", params);
    // There are 123 a's and 1,234 b's
    // Use a custom format; see e311 Formatting a Number Using a Custom Format
    msg = MessageFormat.format("There are {0,number,#} a''s and {1,number,#} b''s", params);
    // There are 123 a's and 1234 b's
    // Floating point numbers
    params = new Object[]{new Double(123.45), new Double(1234.56)};
    msg = MessageFormat.format("There are {0,number,#.#} a''s and {1,number,#.#} b''s", params);
    // There are 123.4 a's and 1234.6 b's
    // Currency
    msg = MessageFormat.format("There are {0,number,currency} a''s and {1,number,currency} b''s", params);
    // There are $123.00 a's and $1,234.00 b's
    // Percent
    msg = MessageFormat.format("There are {0,number,percent} a''s and {1,number,percent} b''s", params);
    // There are 12,345% a's and 123,456% b's




    vscode最新插件合集(20190814)part1,共2个分包(part1...foxundermoon.shell-format-6.1.1 qcz.text-power-tools-1.11.1 gruntfuggly.todo-tree-0.0.141 vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons-9.2.0 tomoki1207.pdf-0.5.0

    java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: 2/10/2010 15:20:05

    NULL 博文链接:https://speed-guo.iteye.com/blog/903163


    vscode最新插件合集(20190814)part1,共2个分包(part1...foxundermoon.shell-format-6.1.1 qcz.text-power-tools-1.11.1 gruntfuggly.todo-tree-0.0.141 vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons-9.2.0 tomoki1207.pdf-0.5.0

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