
SQL之限定和排序(Restricting and Sorting)

  • sql


用查询限制行数(Limiting Rows Using a Selection)
    用where子句限制输出行(Restrict the rows returned by using the WHERE clause.)

SELECT    *|{[DISTINCT] column|expression [alias],...}    FROM   table  [WHERE    condition(s)];


         WHERE   限制查询满足条件的行
         condition  由列名、表达式、常数和比较操作组成

    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno =10;

    --字符串和日期,在WHERE子句中字符串和日期必须包含在单引号 (‘ ’) 中。但是,数字常数不应该包含在单引号中
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where loc ='new YORK';


比较条件(Comparison Conditions):
    Operator                                         Meaning
       =                                                   等于
       >                                                   大于
       >=                                              大于等于
       <                                                   小于
      <=                                               小于等于
      <>                                                 不等于
      BETWEEN...AND...                    在两个值之间
      IN(SET)                                   在一堆值里
      LIKE                                          找一个想象的值
      IS NULL                                     为一个NULL值

    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno >=10;
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno BETWEEN 10 AND 30;
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno IN (10,30);
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where loc LIKE 'n%';
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where loc IS NULL;

逻辑条件(Logical Conditions):
    Operator                                              Meaning
       AND                                     两个条件都为真,返回"true"
       OR                                       其中一个条件为真,返回“true”
       NOT                                           条件为假,返回"false"

    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno>=10 AND loc LIKE "%n%"
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno>=10 OR loc LIKE "%n%"
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno NOT IN(10,20)
    --优先原则(Rules of Precedence),从前往后:
    SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno NOT IN(10,20) AND deptno>30


  排序(order by):
    默认的是升序(ascending order, default)

    SELECT * FROM `dept` order by deptno
    SELECT * FROM `dept` order by deptno DESC
    SELECT * FROM `dept` order by deptno,dname DESC


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