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Linux那些事儿 之 戏说USB(20)配置





206 /**

207 * struct usb_host_config - representation of a device's configuration

208 * @desc: the device's configuration descriptor.

209 * @string: pointer to the cached version of the iConfiguration string, if

210 * present for this configuration.

211 * @interface: array of pointers to usb_interface structures, one for each

212 * interface in the configuration. The number of interfaces is stored

213 * in desc.bNumInterfaces. These pointers are valid only while the

214 * the configuration is active.

215 * @intf_cache: array of pointers to usb_interface_cache structures, one

216 * for each interface in the configuration. These structures exist

217 * for the entire life of the device.

218 * @extra: pointer to buffer containing all extra descriptors associated

219 * with this configuration (those preceding the first interface

220 * descriptor).

221 * @extralen: length of the extra descriptors buffer.

222 *

223 * USB devices may have multiple configurations, but only one can be active

224 * at any time. Each encapsulates a different operational environment;

225 * for example, a dual-speed device would have separate configurations for

226 * full-speed and high-speed operation. The number of configurations

227 * available is stored in the device descriptor as bNumConfigurations.

228 *

229 * A configuration can contain multiple interfaces. Each corresponds to

230 * a different function of the USB device, and all are available whenever

231 * the configuration is active. The USB standard says that interfaces

232 * are supposed to be numbered from 0 to desc.bNumInterfaces-1, but a lot

233 * of devices get this wrong. In addition, the interface array is not

234 * guaranteed to be sorted in numerical order. Use usb_ifnum_to_if() to

235 * look up an interface entry based on its number.

236 *

237 * Device drivers should not attempt to activate configurations. The choice

238 * of which configuration to install is a policy decision based on such

239 * considerations as available power, functionality provided, and the user's

240 * desires (expressed through userspace tools). However, drivers can call

241 * usb_reset_configuration() to reinitialize the current configuration and

242 * all its interfaces.

243 */

244 struct usb_host_config {


247 char *string; /* iConfiguration string, if present */

248 /* the interfaces associated with this configuration,

249 * stored in no particular order */


252 /* Interface information available even when this is not the

253 * active configuration */


256 unsigned char *extra; /* Extra descriptors */

257 int extralen;

258 };


250 /* USB_DT_CONFIG: Configuration descriptor information.

251 *

252 * USB_DT_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIG is the same descriptor, except that the

253 * descriptor type is different. Highspeed-capable devices can look

254 * different depending on what speed they're currently running. Only

255 * devices with a USB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER have any OTHER_SPEED_CONFIG

256 * descriptors.

257 */

259 __u8 bLength;

260 __u8 bDescriptorType;


262 __le16 wTotalLength;

263 __u8 bNumInterfaces;

264 __u8 bConfigurationValue;

265 __u8 iConfiguration;

266 __u8 bmAttributes;

267 __u8 bMaxPower;

268 } __attribute__ ((packed));





263行,bConfigurationValue,对于拥有多个配置的幸运设备来说,可以拿这个值为参数,使用SET_CONFIGURATION请求来改变正在被使用的 USB配置,bConfigurationValue就指明了将要激活哪个配置。咱们的设备虽然可以有多个配置,但同一时间却也只能有一个配置被激活。捎带着提一下,SET_CONFIGURATION请求也是标准的设备请求之一,专门用来设置设备的配置。


266行,bmAttributes,这个字段表征了配置的一些特点,比如bit 61表示self-poweredbit 51表示这个配置支持远程唤醒。另外,它的bit 7必须为1,为什么?协议里就这么说的,我也不知道,这个世界上并不是什么事情都找得到原因的。ch9.h里有几个相关的定义

272 /* from config descriptor bmAttributes */

273 #define USB_CONFIG_ATT_ONE (1 << 7) /* must be set */

274 #define USB_CONFIG_ATT_SELFPOWER (1 << 6) /* self powered */

275 #define USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP (1 << 5) /* can wakeup */

276 #define USB_CONFIG_ATT_BATTERY (1 << 4) /* battery powered */

267行,bMaxPower,设备正常运转时,从总线那里分得的最大电流值,以2mA为单位。设备可以使用这个字段向hub表明自己需要的的电流,但如果设备需求过于旺盛,请求的超出了hub所能给予的,hub就会直接拒绝,不会心软。你去请求她给你多一点点爱,可她心系天下人,没有多的分到你身上,于是怎么办?拒绝你呗,不要说爱情是多么残酷,这个世界就是很无奈。还记得struct usb_device结构里的bus_mA吗?它就表示hub所能够给予的。Alan Stern大侠告诉我们

(c->desc.bMaxPower * 2) is what the device requests and udev->bus_mA is what the hub makes available.

到此为止,四大标准描述符已经全部登场亮相了,还是回到struct usb_host_config结构的247行,string,这个字符串保存了配置描述符iConfiguration字段对应的字符串描述符信息。

250行,interface[USB_MAXINTERFACES],配置所包含的接口。注释里说的很明确,这个数组的顺序未必是按照配置里接口号的顺序,所以你要想得到某个接口号对应的struct usb_interface结构对象,就必须使用drivers/usb/usb.c里定义的usb_ifnum_to_if函数。

65 /**

66 * usb_ifnum_to_if - get the interface object with a given interface number

67 * @dev: the device whose current configuration is considered

68 * @ifnum: the desired interface

69 *

70 * This walks the device descriptor for the currently active configuration

71 * and returns a pointer to the interface with that particular interface

72 * number, or null.

73 *

74 * Note that configuration descriptors are not required to assign interface

75 * numbers sequentially, so that it would be incorrect to assume that

76 * the first interface in that descriptor corresponds to interface zero.

77 * This routine helps device drivers avoid such mistakes.

78 * However, you should make sure that you do the right thing with any

79 * alternate settings available for this interfaces.

80 *

81 * Don't call this function unless you are bound to one of the interfaces

82 * on this device or you have locked the device!

83 */

85 unsigned ifnum)

86 {

87 struct usb_host_config *config = dev->actconfig;

88 int i;

90 if (!config)

91 return NULL;

92 for (i = 0; i < config->desc.bNumInterfaces; i++)

94 .desc.bInterfaceNumber == ifnum)

95 return config->interface[i];

97 return NULL;

98 }


如果你看了协议,可能会在<chsdate w:st="on" isrocdate="False" islunardate="False" day="30" month="12" year="1899"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">9.6.5</span></chsdate>里看到,请求配置描述符时,配置里的所有接口描述符是按照顺序一个一个返回的。那为什么这里又明确说明,让咱们不要期待它就会是接口号的顺序那?其实很久很久以前这里并不是这么说地,它就说这个数组是按照0..desc.bNumInterfaces的顺序,但同时又说需要通过usb_ifnum_to_if函数来获得指定接口号的接口对象,Alan Stern大侠质疑了这种有些矛盾的说法,于是David Brownell大侠就把它改成现在这个样子了,为什么改?因为协议归协议,厂商归厂商,有些厂商就是有不遵守协议的癖好,它非要先返回接口1再返回接口0,你也没辙,所以就不得不增加usb_ifnum_to_if函数。


/* this maximum is arbitrary */


254行,intf_cache[USB_MAXINTERFACES]cache是什么?缓存。答对了,不然大学四年岂不是光去吃老赵烤肉了。这是个struct usb_interface_cache对象的结构数组,usb_interfaceusb接口,cache,缓存,所以usb_interface_cache就是usb接口的缓存。缓存些什么?看看include/linux/usb/usb.h里的定义

179 /**

180 * struct usb_interface_cache - long-term representation of a device interface

181 * @num_altsetting: number of altsettings defined.

182 * @ref: reference counter.

183 * @altsetting: variable-length array of interface structures, one for

184 * each alternate setting that may be selected. Each one includes a

185 * set of endpoint configurations. They will be in no particular order.

186 *

187 * These structures persist for the lifetime of a usb_device, unlike

188 * struct usb_interface (which persists only as long as its configuration

189 * is installed). The altsetting arrays can be accessed through these

190 * structures at any time, permitting comparison of configurations and

191 * providing support for the /proc/bus/usb/devices pseudo-file.

192 */

194 unsigned num_altsetting; /* number of alternate settings */

195 struct kref ref; /* reference counter */


197 /* variable-length array of alternate settings for this interface,

198 * stored in no particular order */

200 };


为什么要缓存这些东东?房价在变,物价在变,设备的配置也在变,此时这个配置可能还在欢快的被宠幸着,彼时它可能就躲在冷宫里写《后宫回忆录》,漫长的等待之后,哪个导演慧眼识剧本发现了它,她就又迎来了自己的第二春。这就叫此一时彼一时。为了在配置被取代之后仍然能够获取它的一些信息,就把日后可能会需要的一些东东放在了intf_cache数组的struct usb_interface_cache对象里。谁会需要?这么说吧,你通过sysfs这个窗口只能看到设备当前配置的一些信息,即使是这个配置下面的接口,也只能看到接口正在使用的那个可选设置的信息,可是你希望能够看到更多的,怎么办,窗户太小了,可以趴门口看,usbfs就是这个门,里面显示有你的系统中所有usb设备的可选配置和端点信息,它就是利用intf_cache这个数组里缓存的东东实现的。

256行,extra257行,extralen,有关额外扩展的描述符的,和struct usb_host_interface里的差不多,只是这里的是针对配置的,如果你使用GET_DESCRIPTOR请求从设备里获得配置描述符信息,它们会紧跟在标准的配置描述符后面返回给你。



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