
js生成Table最好的例子并且获取table json,Copy即可运行

  • JS
function addRow(){
	var testTable = document.getElementById("testTable");
	var rows = testTable.getElementsByTagName("tr").length;
	var newRow = testTable.insertRow(rows);
	var cell1 = newRow.insertCell(0);
	cell1.innerHTML="<input id='name"+rows+"' type='text' value='computer"+rows+"'>";
	var cell2 = newRow.insertCell(1);
	cell2.innerHTML="<input id='price"+rows+"' type='text' value='price"+rows+"'>"


 *  打印数据
function printData(){
	var data = addData();
	var dataVar = eval('('+data+')');

	for(var j=0; j<dataVar.length ; j++){
		var values= dataVar[j];
 *  装载数据
function addData(){
	var datas="[";
	var trs = testTable.getElementsByTagName("TR");

	var rows = testTable.getElementsByTagName("TR").length;
	for(var i = 1; i < rows ; i++){
		var data ="";
		var tr = trs[i];
			data += "{";
			data += ",{";
		var name = tr.firstChild.firstChild.value;
		var price = tr.lastChild.firstChild.value;
		data += "name:'"+name+"',price:'"+price+"'}";
		datas +=data;
	datas += "]";
	return datas;
	<table id="testTable">
				<input id="name0" type="text" value='compute1'>

				<input id="price0" type="text"  value='price1'>
				<input id="name1" type="text"  value='compute2'>

				<input id="price1" type="text"  value='price2'>
				<input id="name2" type="text" value='compute3'>

				<input id="price2" type="text"  value='price3'>

	<input id="1" type="button" value="增加一行" onclick="addRow()"/>
	<input id="2" type="button" value="打印数据" onclick="printData()"/>


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