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【提问】对于自关联的表 使用dbunit如何保持数据库状态

1 楼 long110 2007-05-17  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  
package com.javaeye.jms.jboss;  
import javax.jms.Connection;  
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;  
import javax.jms.Destination;  
import javax.jms.JMSException;  
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;  
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;  
import javax.jms.Queue;  
import javax.jms.QueueSender;  
import javax.jms.Session;  
import javax.jms.TextMessage;  
import javax.naming.Context;  
import javax.naming.InitialContext;  
import javax.naming.NamingException;  
public class JbossNativeJmsImpl {  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp sender will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection

     *        [spec to jms 1.1 apito get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> start the Producer[jms1.1 spec] by a session 
     *     6> get messege Object or initial it yourself by implements the messegeor 

     *        it's sub interfaces 
     *     7> call sender or send it selfing 
     *     8> finallized the connection object or it will throw a warning to you! 
     * @param messege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public void sendingProcessing(String messege) throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageProducer msgp = session.createProducer(dest);  
        QueueSender sender = (QueueSender) msgp;  
        TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();  
     * @author zuly 
     * following jms ptp domain, use an simple text message to test 
     * A jms ptp retriver will following the steps below! 
     *     1> get an ConnectionFactory use JNDI Lookup Or Initial it yourself 
     *     2> use this ConnectionFactory to start a jms connection 
     *        [spec to jms 1.1 api to get the main idea of it ] 
     *     3> use connection to create a jms session 
     *     4> get a queue destination / messege agent 
     *     5> retrive a consumer from session 
     *     6> start the jms connection to retrivte the message 
     *     7> get message from consumer 
     * @return textMessege 
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws JMSException 
    public String retriveingProcessing() throws NamingException, JMSException{  
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();  
        ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:JmsXA");  
        Connection conn = cf.createConnection();  
        Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);  
        Destination dest = (Queue) ctx.lookup("queue/A");  
        MessageConsumer msgconsumer = session.createConsumer(dest);  
        //MessageListener ml = new JmsListenner();  
        TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) msgconsumer.receive();  
        System.out.println("messege is" + msg.getText());  
        return msg.getText();  





    1。利用MySql数据库建立一个测试的数据库student: 2.建立新的java工程,例如DBUnitSample, 将DbUnit jar文件和MySql数据库驱动文件导入到工程中: 3.编写连接MySql数据库的类以及用于测试的类










    dbunit2.2完全包 数据库单元测试








    Dbunit 基本原理就是在跑测试用例运行之前对数据表做用户定义的操作,清空不想要的数据,插入用户自定义的数据,使得该数据表处于用户知道的一种状态。而用户自定义的数据使用项目里的一个 xml 文件来表示。 Xml ...






    最新的最全的dbunit jar包以及入门教程

    dbunit-2.4.9 源码

    dbunit-2.4.9 源码 http://www.dbunit.org/apidocs/index.html 代码 API




    3.2. DBunit使用最佳实践 9 3.2.1. 每一个开发人员需要搞一个数据库实例。 9 3.2.2. 使用XML文件作为DataSet 9 3.2.3. DBUnit的最佳实践是尽可能使用最小的数据集。 10 3.2.4. DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT 策略 ...


    DbUnit(http://dbunit.sourceforge.net/)则是专 门针对数据库测试的对JUnit的一个扩展, 它可以将测试对象数据库置于一个测试轮回之间的状态。 这个是主要jar包


    NULL 博文链接:https://kanglecjr.iteye.com/blog/2158320

    DBUnit 进行单元测试

    一个很好的DBUnit的例子 博文链接:https://virgoooos.iteye.com/blog/186859

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