
c++ - overloaded subscript operator - []

  • c++

You can overload the subscript operator, a typical scenario that you may use the subscriptor overload operator is when you design the String class, where you want the user to access the element at ith indext, which is a char type. 


However, what is the return type of the subscriptor operator ? for const object, it should return a const char reference or we simple return a char reference regardless?


here is the example, below is the definition of MyString class. 



* file 
*  MyString.h
*  this header is the demonstrate the use of user defined constructor and overload operator
#include <iostream>

class MyString
public :
	// overload set of constructors
	// provide automatic initialization
	MyString(const char * = 0);
	MyString (const MyString & );

	// destructor: automatic deinitialization

	// overload set of assignment operators
	MyString&  operator ==(const char *) const;
	MyString& operator ==(const MyString &) const;
	// member access function 
	int size() { return _size; } 
	char * c_str() {  return _string; } 

	const char& operator[](int elem) const;
	char & operator[] (int elem);  
	//// I love better the definition above
	//// ths is not safe..
	//char& operator[](int elem) const;

	int _size;
	char * _string;




As you can see that  we providing two overloaded [] operator functions. 


below is the MyString implementation code. 



* file 
*   MyString.cpp
*   this is the MyString.cpp 
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyString.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cerr;
using std::strcat;
using std::strlen;
using std::strcmp;
using std::strcpy;

MyString::MyString(const char * name_) { 

	if (name_ != NULL) {
		_size = strlen(name_);
		_string = new char[_size + 1];
		strcpy(_string, name_);
	} else 
		_string = NULL;
		_size = 0;

MyString::MyString(const MyString& rhs) {
	// aovid the self coyping 
	if (this != &rhs) {
		_size = rhs._size;
		if (rhs._string != NULL) {
			delete _string;
			_string = new char[_size + 1];
			strcpy(_string, rhs._string);

MyString::~MyString() {
	delete _string;

char & MyString::operator[](int elem) {
	assert(elem >= 0 && elem < _size);
	return _string[_size];

const char & MyString::operator[](int elem) const { 
	assert(elem >= 0 && elem < _size);
	return _string[_size];




so that given the above declaration , you can use the [] operator as follow. 



void test_MyString() 
	MyString mystring;
	char ch = mystring[0];
	mystring[0] = 'b';

	const MyString & mystringRef = mystring;
	mystringRef[0] = 'a'; // error, since the conference MyString& return a const char referece, it does not allow writting..


the code above shows my way of designing overload subscriptor operator.


however, to simplify the task,  you can also design the subscriptor as follow.


suppose that you can change the declaration to this :



class MyString { 
  char &  operator[](int elem) const { 
  	assert(elem >= 0 && elem < _size);
  	return _string[_size];



however, the code 



void test_MyString() 
	MyString mystring;
	char ch = mystring[0];
	mystring[0] = 'b';

	const MyString & mystringRef = mystring;
	mystringRef[0] = 'a'; // it works, but however,this is not the desired behavior, as you directly can modify the const object


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