  • 浏览: 13630412 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_2
  • 来自: 洛杉矶

通过经纬度计算两地距离 calculates the distance between two points via latitude/longitude



//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the     :::
//:::  latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate     :::
//:::  the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource (TM) prodducts  :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Definitions:                                                           :::
//:::    South latitudes are negative, east longitudes are positive           :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Passed to function:                                                    :::
//:::    lat1, lon1 = Latitude and Longitude of point 1 (in decimal degrees)  :::
//:::    lat2, lon2 = Latitude and Longitude of point 2 (in decimal degrees)  :::
//:::    unit = the unit you desire for results                               :::
//:::           where: 'M' is statute miles (default)                         :::
//:::                  'K' is kilometers                                      :::
//:::                  'N' is nautical miles                                  :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Worldwide cities and other features databases with latitude longitude  :::
//:::  are available at http://www.geodatasource.com                          :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  For enquiries, please contact sales@geodatasource.com                  :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Official Web site: http://www.geodatasource.com                        :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::               GeoDataSource.com (C) All Rights Reserved 2015            :::
//:::                                                                         :::

function distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, unit) {
	var radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1/180
	var radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2/180
	var radlon1 = Math.PI * lon1/180
	var radlon2 = Math.PI * lon2/180
	var theta = lon1-lon2
	var radtheta = Math.PI * theta/180
	var dist = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta);
	dist = Math.acos(dist)
	dist = dist * 180/Math.PI
	dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515
	if (unit=="K") { dist = dist * 1.609344 }
	if (unit=="N") { dist = dist * 0.8684 }
	return dist





/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the     :*/
/*::  latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate     :*/
/*::  the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource(TM) Products    :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Definitions:                                                           :*/
/*::    South latitudes are negative, east longitudes are positive           :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Passed to function:                                                    :*/
/*::    lat1, lon1 = Latitude and Longitude of point 1 (in decimal degrees)  :*/
/*::    lat2, lon2 = Latitude and Longitude of point 2 (in decimal degrees)  :*/
/*::    unit = the unit you desire for results                               :*/
/*::           where: 'M' is statute miles (default)                         :*/
/*::                  'K' is kilometers                                      :*/
/*::                  'N' is nautical miles                                  :*/
/*::  Worldwide cities and other features databases with latitude longitude  :*/
/*::  are available at http://www.geodatasource.com                          :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  For enquiries, please contact sales@geodatasource.com                  :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Official Web site: http://www.geodatasource.com                        :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::         GeoDataSource.com (C) All Rights Reserved 2015		   		     :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit) {

  $theta = $lon1 - $lon2;
  $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) +  cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
  $dist = acos($dist);
  $dist = rad2deg($dist);
  $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
  $unit = strtoupper($unit);

  if ($unit == "K") {
    return ($miles * 1.609344);
  } else if ($unit == "N") {
      return ($miles * 0.8684);
    } else {
        return $miles;

echo distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "M") . " Miles<br>";
echo distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "K") . " Kilometers<br>";
echo distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "N") . " Nautical Miles<br>";




原文:通过经纬度计算两地距离 calculates the distance between two points via  latitude/longitude




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