
Padding Images With Background Image



We want to display something like this.

The container has an image arrow on the right. The content text length is undetermined.



We can resort to background to display the image.

/*A padding is put on the right to display the image. The background image is put to the right to fill the padding area. */
p {
    background: url("http://images.apple.com/support/home/images/morearrow.png") no-repeat scroll right center transparent;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 9px 0 5px;


It is even possible to display 2 background images, one on the left and another on the right.

    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 9px 0 9px;
   background: url("http://images.apple.com/support/home/images/morearrow.png") no-repeat left center, url("http://images.apple.com/support/home/images/morearrow.png") no-repeat  right center;


Related Patterns:


If we need to display the right image X pixels from the right border, we can not do it with this method because background-position can not do this. So, we may have to use:

Padding Images With Absolute Position




  • 大小: 647 Bytes
  • 大小: 752 Bytes



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