

在足球比赛里,一个球员在一场比赛中进三个球,称之为帽子戏法(HAT-TRICK)。在分布式数据系统中,也有一个帽子原理(CAP THEOREM),不过此帽子非彼帽子。CAP原理中,有三个要素:
一致性(CONSISTENCY)可用性(AVAILABILITY)分区容忍性(PARTITION TOLERANCE)CAP原理指的是,这三个要素最多只能同时实现两点,不可能三者兼顾。因此在进行分布式架构设计时,必须做出取舍。而对于分布式数据系统,分区容忍性是基本要求,否则就失去了价值。因此设计分布式数据系统,就是在一致性和可用性之间取一个平衡。对于大多数WEB应用,其实并不需要强一致性,因此牺牲一致性而换取高可用性,是多数分布式数据库产品的方向。
N — 数据复制的份数,W — 更新数据是需要保证写完成的节点数,R — 读取数据的时候需要读取的节点数如果W+R>N,写的节点和读的节点重叠,则是强一致性。例如对于典型的一主一备同步复制的关系型数据库,N=2,W=2,R=1,则不管读的是主库还是备库的数据,都是一致的。


    Spanner, TrueTime & the CAP Theorem.pdf

    The CAP theorem [Bre12] says that you can only have two of the three desirable properties of: • C: Consistency, which we can think of as serializability for this discussion; • A: 100% availability, ...

    Perspectives on the CAP Theorem.pdf

    This trade-off, which has become known as the CAP Theorem, has been widely discussed ever since. In this paper, we review the CAP Theorem and situate it within the broader context of distributed ...

    A Critique of the CAP Theorem.pdf

    The CAP Theorem is a frequently cited impossibility result in distributed systems, especially among NoSQL distributed databases. In this paper we survey some of the confusion about the meaning of CAP,...

    Brewer's CAP Theorem

    Brewer's CAP Theorem

    Brewer’s CAP Theorem.pdf

    Over the years, the CAP theorem and has been constantly developed and slight adjustments have been made, most prominently by Brewer himself who amended in a later paper that some of the conclusions, ...

    A Critique of the CAP Theorem

    A Critique of the CAP Theorem A Critique of the CAP Theorem

    Brewer’s CAP Theorem

    Brewer’s CAP Theorem

    Spanner, TrueTime & the CAP Theorem

    Spanner, TrueTime & the CAP Theorem

    DB - Spanner, TrueTime and The CAP Theorem.pdf

    Spanner is Google’s highly available global SQL database [CDE+12]. It manages replicated data at great scale, both in terms of size of data and volume of transactions. It assigns globally consistent ...

    (8)Perspectives on the CAP Theorem.pdf


    CAP Twelve Years Later:How the "Rules" Have Changed.pdf

    The CAP theorem asserts that any net- worked shared-data system can have only two of three desirable properties. How- ever, by explicitly handling partitions, designers can optimize consistency and ...

    PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook Second Edition

    The CAP theorem and physical limitations of replication 2 Understanding the CAP theorem 2 Understanding the limits of physics 4 Different types of replication 5 Synchronous versus asynchronous ...

    DB - Consistency Tradeoffs in Modern Distributed Database System

    The CAP theorem’s impact on modern distributed database system design is more limited than is often perceived. Another tradeoff—between consistency and latency —has had a more direct influence on ...

    Designing Data-Intensive Applications pdf

    Designing Data-Intensive Applications pdf 英文版 NoSQL… Big Data… Scalability… CAP Theorem… Eventual Consistency… Sharding…

    Designing Data-Intensive Applications

    NoSQL… Big Data… Scalability… CAP Theorem… Eventual Consistency… Sharding… Nice buzzwords, but how does the stuff actually work? As software engineers, we need to build applications that are ...

    no sql survey

    NoSQL databases according to the CAP theorem. Finally, the mainstream NoSQL databases are separately described in detail, and extract some properties to help enterprises to choose NoSQL.


    数据系统概论 该存储库包含一组有关巴黎南硕士课程的Data Lake课程的演示文稿和动手教程。 我决定打开此模块的内容以: ... 关于CAP Theorem No-SQL数据库上的类 MongoDB简介 教程: + 使用Kafka和Spark进行 执照


    fit into the CAP theorem. It also shows how to set up both Sentinel and Cluster, their configurations, and what happens in different failure scenarios. Redis Cluster is covered in more detail, since ...


    数据变革的理论驱动力-CAP理论 CAP(Consistency,Availability,Patition tolerance)又叫做布鲁尔定理(Brewer's theorem),它指出对于一个分布式计算系统来说,不可能同时满足以下三点理论论述的是在任何分布式...

    Towards Robust Distributed Systems.pdf

    Current distributed systems, even the ones that work, tend to be very fragile: they are hard to keep up, hard to manage, hard to grow, hard to evolve, and hard to program. In this talk, I look at ...

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