
Acs is enabled or not(test code)


*  TestACS - verifies ACS functionality
*     Checks acs server map, dm_acs_config
*     Then executes a real world test of the ACS server
*  author: fabian.lee
*  Example compilation in windows
*       javac -classpath "c:\progra~1\documentum\shared\dfc.jar;c:\documentum\config;." TestACS.java
*  Example of usage in windows
*      java -classpath "c:\progra~1\documentum\shared\dfc.jar;c:\documentum\config;." TestACS mydocbase dmadmin dmpass "/Temp/fabtest.txt"
import com.documentum.fc.client.*;
import com.documentum.fc.common.*;
import com.documentum.com.*;
import com.documentum.operations.*;
import com.documentum.fc.client.acs.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

public class TestACS {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
     TestACS test = new TestACS("aix17","fangh","fangh","/方慧_fangh/33");

    public TestACS(String docbase,String user,String pass,String objectPath) throws Exception {

     // Establish session
     IDfClientX clientx = new DfClientX();
     IDfClient client = clientx.getLocalClient();

     // get session
     IDfLoginInfo loginInfo = clientx.getLoginInfo();
     IDfSessionManager sMgr = client.newSessionManager();
     IDfSession session = sMgr.getSession(docbase);

     // Pull info from acs server map, checks known status
     IDfDocbrokerClient dbclient = clientx.getDocbrokerClient();
     IDfTypedObject acsmap = dbclient.getAcsServerMap(session.getDocbaseName());
     System.out.println("ACS server/status=" + acsmap.getValue("r_host_name") + "/" + acsmap.getValue("r_last_status"));
     for (int i = 0; i < acsmap.getAttrCount(); i++) {
          IDfAttr attr = acsmap.getAttr(i);
          System.out.println("\t" + attr.getName() + "="
                    + acsmap.getValueAt(i).toString());

     // Pull base url from dm_acs_config, checks base url for validity
     IDfCollection coll = null;
     IDfQuery query = clientx.getQuery();
     query.setDQL("select r_object_id,acs_base_url from dm_acs_config");
     coll = query.execute(session,IDfQuery.DF_READ_QUERY);
     while(coll.next()) {
          String baseURL = coll.getString("acs_base_url");
          System.out.println("acs_base_url=" + baseURL);

          // now pull this URL and see if we get back a valid response
          if(baseURL!=null && baseURL.length()>0) {
               URL url = new URL(baseURL);
               URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
               BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
                  String line = null;
                  while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
                      System.out.println("ACS returned: " + line);
                      if("ACS Server is running".equals(line)) {
                           System.out.println("SUCCESS connecting to acs server at " + baseURL);
                      }else {
                           System.out.println("ERROR with response coming from " + baseURL);
          }else {
               System.out.println("PROBLEM: there was a problem with the acs_base_url on " + coll.getString("r_object_id"));


     // now get object we will test ACS with
     IDfSysObject docObj = (IDfSysObject) session.getObjectByPath(objectPath);
          throw new DfException("could not find object by path: " + objectPath);

     // Export using ACS URL
     IDfAcsTransferPreferences atp = clientx.getAcsTransferPreferences();

     IDfExportOperation exportOp = clientx.getExportOperation();
     // setting ACS preferences to true in export operation
     // means that it won't be exported to the local file system
     // and intstead will return ACS URL for download
     IDfExportNode exportNode = (IDfExportNode) exportOp.add(docObj);
     boolean result = exportOp.execute();
     if (result) {
          IDfList nodes = exportOp.getNodes();
          for (int i = 0, size = nodes.getCount(); i < size; i++) {
               IDfExportNode node = (IDfExportNode) nodes.get(i);
               IDfEnumeration acsRequests = node.getAcsRequests();
               while (acsRequests.hasMoreElements()) {   
                    IDfAcsRequest acsRequest = (IDfAcsRequest) acsRequests

                    // get ACS URL
                    String docURL = acsRequest.makeURL();
                    System.out.println("docURL= " + docURL + "\r\n");

                    // Now try pulling real content from ACS server
                    URL url = new URL(docURL);
                    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));

                       String line = null;
                       while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {

               } // each acs request
          } // each node
     } // successful execution

     // release session





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