
Type names and property names


Server or other client products) types start with dm, as described here:

• dm_: (general) represents commonly used object types such as dm_document, which is generally used for storing documents.

• dmr_: (read only) represents read-only object types such as dmr_content, which stores information about a content file.

• dmi_: (internal) represents internal object types such as dmi_workitem, which stores information about a task.

• dmc_: (client) represents object types supporting Documentum client applications. For example, dmc_calendar objects are used by Collaboration Services for holding calendar events.
Just like an object type each property also has an internal name and a label. For example, the label for property object_name is Name. There are some additional conventions for internal names for properties. These names may begin with the following prefixes:

• r_: (read only) normally indicates that the property is controlled by the Content Server and cannot be modified by users or applications. For example, r_object_id represents the unique ID for the object. On the other hand, r_version_label is an interesting property. It is a repeating property and has at least one value supplied by the Content Server while others may be supplied by users or applications.

• i_: (internal) is similar to r_ except that this property is used internally by the Content Server and normally not seen by users and applications. As discussed in the previous chapter, i_chronicle_id binds all the versions together in to a version tree and is managed by the Content Server.
• a_: (application) indicates that this property is intended to be used by applications and can be modified by applications and users. For example, the format of a document is stored in a_content_type. This property helps Webtop launch an appropriate desktop application to open a document. The other three prefixes can also be considered to imply system or non-application attributes, in general.

• _: (computed) indicates that this property is not stored in the repository and is computed by Content Server as needed. These properties are also normally read-only for applications. For example, each object has a property called _changed, which indicates whether it has been changed since it was last saved. Many of the computed properties are related to security and most are used for caching information in user sessions.



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