Backorder: A distribution term that refers to the status of items on a purchase order in the event that some or all of the inventory required to fulfill the order is insufficient to satisfy demand. This differs from a forward order where stock is available but delivery is postponed for another reason.
Front-end and
back-end are generalized terms that refer to the initial and the end stages of a process. The front-end is responsible for collecting input in various forms from the user and processing it to conform to a specification the back-end can use. The front-end is a kind of interface between the user and the back-end.
In software architecture and software design, the front-end is the part of a software system that interacts directly with the user, and the back-end comprises the components that process the output from the front-end. The separation of software systems into "front-ends" and "back-ends" is an abstraction that serves to keep the different parts of the system separated.
Back end systems are corporate systems that are used to run a company such as systems to manage orders, inventory and supply processing. Back end systems support the company's back office. This system collects input from users or other systems for processing.
Business Intelligence
unidirectional 单向的
Business Function Alternative name for Business Process
Business Logic 是一个非技术上的概念,通常用来描述处理用户界面和数据交换的功能算法。它不同于输入输出数据合法化和生产逻辑。
is a non-technical term generally used to describe the functional algorithms that handle information exchange between a database and a user interface. it is distinguished from input/output data validation and product logic.
Business logic 包括 Business Rules和Workflows。 Business Logic这个概念更多用在软件工程领域,比如用在软件结构上(Presentation, BusinessLogic, Databank三层结构)。
Backorder 是欠交订单,对订购还没完成交付时今后再交付的量。 Backward Scheduling Backward Scheduling 是倒退日程,从交付期往后计算生产开始日期和生产结束日期;主要使用在 CRP。 Balance Sheet Valuation ...
本次专家会议旨在介绍这一版本在供应链领域的最新进展,包括产品分配(Product Allocation, PAL)、后订单处理(Backorder Processing, BOP)、交付准备(Release for Delivery, RFDY)以及基于替代品的确认...
7. **B/O跟踪**:B/O(Backorder)跟踪是监控待处理订单的过程,确保及时供货,减少客户等待时间。 8. **前台管理**:包括纯正配件和附件的宣传展示,通过产品宣传海报吸引顾客,并提供维修出库跟踪服务,增强客户...
8. 缺货和预定订单:文件中提到了“BackOrder”这一概念,指的是当商品暂时缺货时,客户可以预定该商品。当商品重新到货时,平台会按照预定顺序发货。 9. 处理流程和时间:Ebay平台对于处理订单、换货、退款以及...
- 这一过程中需要注意,原材料的数量应足够以避免产生 backorder。 2. **事务处理** - 当物料移转到外协工站 20 的 queue 时,触发自动请购外协物料 C32579。 - 此过程依赖于前面设置的 WIPPARAMETERS 和外协...
- **BackOrder**(待处理订单):等待补发的商品订单。 - **Credit Rating Database**(信用评级数据库):存储客户信用评级信息。 然后,我们将这些功能映射到逻辑事务(Logical Transactions, LTs): - **LT1**...
2.) Console.log将availability设置为backorder所有项目 3.) 找到具有多个图像链接的项目,并将它们存储在一个数组中。 4.) Console.log 所有佳能产品 5.) 打印产品作者名称为“eBay”和品牌为“Canon”的所有项目...
2.) 在inventories查找所有具有backorder可用性的项目。 3.) 查找具有多个图像链接的所有项目。 4.) 在项目中查找所有canon产品(注意区分大小写)。 5.) 查找产品作者名称为“eBay”且品牌为“Canon”的所有...
6. 系统库存短缺期望(EBOS, Expected Backorder Stock):这是衡量库存管理效率的一个指标,指的是在一定时期内,由于库存短缺导致未满足需求的平均期望值。 7. 费效比(Cost Effectiveness Ratio):费效比用于...
备件分配的准确性对于一个独立的系统执行其预期功能并减少资源浪费至关重要。 隔离系统的不同类型组件的缺货订单是相互依赖的。 隔离时间对相互依赖关系有较大影响。 忽略组件缺货之间的依赖性将高估隔离系统的备件...