
关于Selenium脚本在Win7 IE8环境下不能运行的问题及解决方案

64位 Win7 professional IE8, 浏览器默认设置
Selenium脚本中通过 setUp(url, "iexplore")的方式设置浏览器
以java -jar selenium-server.jar不带参数的方式启动selenium server,程序在多窗口的模式下运行.


然后脚本就停住,不能继续运行,试过好多台win7的机器,都是这个情况,但是在Win Xp的IE8下面运行良好。


There are two main reasons that we need to install other Browser to run the Selenium tests.
1. The most important reason is the Selenium can’t run the tests in Win7 IE8 when the IE is set to “Protected Mode”, currently, the IE setting in build server is in this mode.
So, I can’t start to run the selenium tests in build server now.
You can refer to this URL:
• http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1517623/internet-explorer-8-64bit-and-selenium-not-working
2. The selenium execution will be very slow when running in IE, if I run all the tests by Google chrome, it will take less than 3 hours, but more than 5 hours in IE 8 even after I optimized the scripts
You can refer to:
• http://old.nabble.com/Selenium-slow-in-IE-compared-to-firefox.-td12087754.html
• http://groups.google.com/group/selenium-developers/browse_thread/thread/160a92fcacb12a62
3. For functional testing, the selenium test results of execution would be same if we run it in different browsers

So, if we want to run the selenium tests in Builder server, there are two workarounds
1. First one is to set the IE to “Protected off mode” by setting: Internet Options->Security->" Internet " icon->Enable Protected Mode
        uncheck this option for all login user to let selenium tests run in "Protected Off" mode.
2. Install the Google Chrome or Firefox 3.0 to run the tests, Firefox3.6 is not supported directly.

总结:只要设置正确,IE下依然还是能运行的,唯一的区别就是运行速度,目前看来用Google Chrome去跑自动化测试最高效
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