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Ubuntu common command

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
which gcc
ls -l gcc*
sudo mkdir share
sudo mount -t vboxsf G_Drive share
sudo umount sf-G
cp -r Prophet ~/Prophet
sudo apt-get install fcitx
im-switch -s fcitx -z default
sudo apt-get install leadpad
sudo leafpad /usr/share/fcitx/data/config
sudo chown alex prophes\pdf
sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal
sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu


    Beginning Ubuntu Linux Part1

    Beginning Ubuntu Linux is split into seven parts, each of which contains chapters about a certain aspect of Ubuntu use. These parts can be read in sequence, or you can dip in and out of them at will. ...

    Beginning Ubuntu Linux Part2

    Beginning Ubuntu Linux is split into seven parts, each of which contains chapters about a certain aspect of Ubuntu use. These parts can be read in sequence, or you can dip in and out of them at will. ...


    You'll work with the Bash shell and the most common command-line utilities available on macOS, Windows 10, and many flavors of Linux. Create files without opening a text editor. Manage complex ...

    Getting Started with MariaDB

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    sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev ``` #### Disable Hunter If you want to install dependencies yourself or use system package manager you can disable Hunter by adding [-DHUNTER_ENABLED=OFF]...

    Bochs - The cross platform IA-32 (x86) emulator

    - converted common USB code plus devices to the new 'usb_common' plugin Now the USB device classes no longer exist twice if both HC plugins are loaded. - added 'pseudo device' in common USB code ...


    W:\ov5640_spi20_r40t\package\allwinner\cameratest\src\common\hawkview.c int fetch_sub_cmd(const char* buf,int buf_len,char** cmd,int* cmd_num,int lenght) { int i = 0,j = 0,n = 0; while(buf...


    In the past I've shared books I've enjoyed which talk about how to use the Ubuntu desktop or how to trouble-shoot a server or how to use the command line. Those books tend to take things one step at ...


    R:\wyb\gc2145_tinav2.1\package\allwinner\cameratest\src\common\video_helper.c int set_cap_info(void* capture) { …… (修改这里) //strcpy(file_path, "dev/info"); sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s.info", ...


    1、Ubuntu 7.0.4发行版 2、u-boot-1.3.1 3、FS2410平台 4、交叉编译器 arm-softfloat-linux-gnu-gcc-3.4.5 【实验步骤】 一、建立自己的平台类型 (1)解压文件 #tar jxvf u-boot-1.3.1.tar.bz2 (2)进入 U...


    全志R16平台的tinav2.0系统下调通HM...R:\wyb\thl_r16_tinav2.0_hm1375\package\allwinner\cameratest\src\common\hawkview.c int fetch_sub_cmd(const char* buf,int buf_len,char** cmd,int* cmd_num,int lenght) { ...


    R:\wyb\thl_r16_tinav2.0_hm1375\package\allwinner\cameratest\src\common\hawkview.c int fetch_sub_cmd(const char* buf,int buf_len,char** cmd,int* cmd_num,int lenght) { int i = 0,j = 0,n = 0; ...

    ros by example for indigo volume 2

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