


1 come into mysql control:mysql -uname -ppassword;Enter

2 \h; show help

3 use databsename;change database

4 show databases;show all databases

   after selected db;entry show tables; view all tables' name

5 after use db;entry desc tablename;could show this table's structure(结构)

6 show variables like '%char%';view all character set

7 show variables like 'collation%';view mysql order(or collation);

8 show binlog events;show log-bin is work or not?

9 数据库备份,如果在path中配置了mysql-bin的变量,就直接在cmd中录入(否则需要运行到bin目录下再录):

   mysqldump -uroot -proot dbname > d:\temp\0622.sql Enter



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    The X DevAPI is part of MySQL 8.0 and is an API that can be used with connectors for several programming languages and is used from the command-line interface known as MySQL Shell. You will learn to ...


    一个最基本的购物篮的Class 需要mysql_db类的支持(mysql_conn,mysql_db,mysql_recordset,mysql_command)并且需要cookies的支持.

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    $ docker cp db_tools/data/basic_data.sql gistandard_mysql_1:/tmp $ docker-compose exec mysql bash $ mysql -uddadmin -p1234@abcd.com gistandard < /tmp/basic_data.sql 5、访问系统: http://your_ip ...

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    If you don’t already have MySQL on your computer, the first step is to download and install MySQL. From there, the examples mirror the sqlite3 examples, including creating a database and table, ...

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    Basic MySQL Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Creating or Dropping a Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 Creating or Dropping a Table. . ...


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    <br>To prevent against this (without creating lots of new 'index' files, you can enter a command into your .htaccess file to stop the directory list from being shown: 为避免这种情况(而不必创建...


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