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New CUDA 4.0 Launched


New CUDA 4.0 Launched

NVIDIA announcedCUDA 4.0,with new features to make parallel programming easier and accessible to more developers, including peer-to-peer communication via GPUDirect and Unified Virtual Addressing.

The CUDA 4.0 RCToolkit, SDK and Drivers will be initially available exclusively to members ofNVIDIA's CUDARegistered Developer Program. Members will always have early access to NVIDIA's latest technology and oppotunities to give feedback, report bugs and even attend live Q&A with NVIDIA's technical staff and engineering.

Find out all the details of the latest version of CUDA by attending aLive Webinar Introducing CUDA 4.0 Features on March 4th at 10am PST.




    // 1. A small-set insertion sort. We do this on any set with ...// be launched to resolve each of these. // 3. A quicksort co-ordinator, which figures out what kernels to launch // and when.

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    This document provides the detailed technical specifications for the new Google Cardboard launched at Google I/O 2015. 肯定有很多了解到谷歌cardboard的朋友,看着人家的纸板,其实超简单的,你可以自己制作...


    很详细的哦!希望能帮助你1. launch v. 发射;使(船)下水,发动,开展 n....【例句】 The 100,000 tanner was recently launched....They launched a new attack at dawn. 黎明时他们发起了一次新的进政。

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