  • 浏览: 6714082 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 武汉




Public key(1 To 3) As Long
Private Const base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

Public Sub GenKey()
Dim d As Long, phi As Long, e As Long
Dim m As Long, x As Long, q As Long
Dim p As Long
On Error GoTo top
p = Rnd * 1000 \ 1
If IsPrime(p) = False Then GoTo top
q = Rnd * 1000 \ 1
If IsPrime(q) = False Then GoTo Sel_q
n = p * q \ 1
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1) \ 1
d = Rnd * n \ 1
If d = 0 Or n = 0 Or d = 1 Then GoTo top
e = Euler(phi, d)
If e = 0 Or e = 1 Then GoTo top

x = Mult(255, e, n)
If Not Mult(x, d, n) = 255 Then
GoTo top
ElseIf Mult(x, d, n) = 255 Then
key(1) = e
key(2) = d
key(3) = n
End If
End Sub

Public Function Euler(ByVal a As Long, ByVal b As Long) As Long
On Error GoTo error2
r1 = a: r = b
p1 = 0: p = 1
q1 = 2: q = 0
n = -1
Do Until r = 0
r2 = r1: r1 = r
p2 = p1: p1 = p
q2 = q1: q1 = q
n = n + 1
r = r2 Mod r1
c = r2 \ r1
p = (c * p1) + p2
q = (c * q1) + q2
s = (b * p1) - (a * q1)
If s > 0 Then
x = p1
x = (0 - p1) + a
End If
Euler = x
Exit Function

Euler = 0
End Function

Public Function Mult(ByVal x As Long, ByVal p As Long, ByVal m As Long) As Long
y = 1
On Error GoTo error1
Do While p > 0
Do While (p / 2) = (p \ 2)
x = (x * x) Mod m
p = p / 2
y = (x * y) Mod m
p = p - 1
Mult = y
Exit Function

y = 0
End Function

Public Function IsPrime(lngNumber As Long) As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngSqr As Long
Dim x As Long

lngSqr = Sqr(lngNumber) ' get the int square root

If lngNumber < 2 Then
IsPrime = False
Exit Function
End If

lngCount = 2
IsPrime = True

If lngNumber Mod lngCount = 0& Then
IsPrime = False
Exit Function
End If

lngCount = 3

For x& = lngCount To lngSqr Step 2
If lngNumber Mod x& = 0 Then
IsPrime = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Public Function Base64_Encode(DecryptedText As String) As String
Dim c1, c2, c3 As Integer
Dim w1 As Integer
Dim w2 As Integer
Dim w3 As Integer
Dim w4 As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim retry As String
For n = 1 To LenB(StrConv(DecryptedText, vbFromUnicode)) Step 3
c1 = AscB(MidB$(DecryptedText, n, 1))
c2 = AscB(Mid$(DecryptedText, n + 1, 1) + ChrB$(0))
c3 = AscB(Mid$(DecryptedText, n + 2, 1) + ChrB$(0))
w1 = Int(c1 / 4)
w2 = (c1 And 3) * 16 + Int(c2 / 16)
If LenB(StrConv(DecryptedText, vbFromUnicode)) >= n + 1 Then w3 = (c2 And 15) * 4 + Int(c3 / 64) Else w3 = -1
If LenB(StrConv(DecryptedText, vbFromUnicode)) >= n + 2 Then w4 = c3 And 63 Else w4 = -1

retry = retry + mimeencode(w1) + mimeencode(w2) + mimeencode(w3) + mimeencode(w4)
Base64_Encode = retry
End Function

Public Function Base64_Decode(a As String) As String
Dim w1 As Integer
Dim w2 As Integer
Dim w3 As Integer
Dim w4 As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim retry As String

For n = 1 To Len(a) Step 4
w1 = mimedecode(Mid$(a, n, 1))
w2 = mimedecode(Mid$(a, n + 1, 1))
w3 = mimedecode(Mid$(a, n + 2, 1))
w4 = mimedecode(Mid$(a, n + 3, 1))
If w2 >= 0 Then retry = retry + ChrB$(((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255))
If w3 >= 0 Then retry = retry + ChrB$(((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255))
If w4 >= 0 Then retry = retry + ChrB$(((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255))
Base64_Decode = StrConv(retry, vbUnicode)
End Function

Public Function mimeencode(w As Integer) As String
If w >= 0 Then mimeencode = Mid$(base64, w + 1, 1) Else mimeencode = ""
End Function

Private Function mimedecode(a As String) As Integer
If Len(a) = 0 Then mimedecode = -1: Exit Function
mimedecode = InStr(base64, a) - 1
End Function

Public Function Encode(ByVal Inp As String, ByVal e As Long, ByVal n As Long) As String
Dim s As String
s = ""
m = Inp

If m = "" Then Exit Function
s = Mult(CLng(Asc(Mid(m, 1, 1))), e, n)
For i = 2 To Len(m)
s = s & "+" & Mult(CLng(Asc(Mid(m, i, 1))), e, n)
Next i
Encode = Base64_Encode(s)
End Function

Public Function Decode(ByVal Inp As String, ByVal d As Long, ByVal n As Long) As String
St = ""
ind = Base64_Decode(Inp)
For i = 1 To Len(ind)
nxt = InStr(i, ind, "+")
If Not nxt = 0 Then
tok = Val(Mid(ind, i, nxt))
tok = Val(Mid(ind, i))
End If
St = St + Chr(Mult(CLng(tok), d, n))
If Not nxt = 0 Then
i = nxt
i = Len(ind)
End If
Next i
Decode = St
End Function




    1. 发现错误并改错。给出一个实现插入排序的程序,文件名为InsertionSort.java,该文件中有代码错误,请单步调试,发现错误,... 必须自己编写代码来实现BASE64编码和解码函数。可以为该类添加其他数据成员和函数成员。


    1. 发现错误并改错。给出一个实现插入排序的程序,文件名为InsertionSort.java,该文件中有代码错误,请单步调试,发现错误,... 必须自己编写代码来实现BASE64编码和解码函数。可以为该类添加其他数据成员和函数成员。




    1、先创建一个 base.js 的文件 2、在文件中执行以下代码 console.log(" .... ... "); [removed](" ... ... "); window.alert&#40;"这是在外部脚本文件中的内容"&#41;; 3、在 html 文档中,引入 base.js 文件 ...


    14.6.2 Base-64字符串编码和解码 14.7 安全字符串 第15章 枚举类型和位标志 15.1 枚举类型 15.2 位标志 15.3 向枚举类型添加方法 第16章 数组 16.1 初始化数组元素 16.2 数组转型 16.3 所有数组都隐式派生...


    14.6.2 Base-64字符串编码和解码 14.7 安全字符串 第15章 枚举类型和位标志 15.1 枚举类型 15.2 位标志 15.3 向枚举类型添加方法 第16章 数组 16.1 初始化数组元素 16.2 数组转型 16.3 所有数组都隐式派生...


    14.6.2 Base-64字符串编码和解码 14.7 安全字符串 第15章 枚举类型和位标志 15.1 枚举类型 15.2 位标志 15.3 向枚举类型添加方法 第16章 数组 16.1 初始化数组元素 16.2 数组转型 16.3 所有数组都隐式派生...


    14.6.2 Base-64字符串编码和解码 14.7 安全字符串 第15章 枚举类型和位标志 15.1 枚举类型 15.2 位标志 15.3 向枚举类型添加方法 第16章 数组 16.1 初始化数组元素 16.2 数组转型 16.3 所有数组都隐式派生...


    实例014 使当前项目依赖另一个项目 21 1.3 界面设计器 22 实例015 安装界面设计器 22 实例016 设计Windows系统的运行对话框 界面 23 实例017 设计计算器程序界面 26 实例018 设计关于进销存管理系统的界面 27 第2章 ...

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