









    当写模块加载器时,获取当前脚本文件的...这里利用了对象 document.currentScript ,它返回的是当前执行的script元素;然后调用script元素的src属性即可获取脚本文件的绝对路径。  [b]. IE10+、Safari和Opera9  利用E


    var currentScript = require ( 'get-current-script' ) ( ) ; 注意:此模块旨在在浏览器中使用。 AMD 这个库是以UMD格式发布的,所以理论上是可以做到的。 如果你弄明白了,请提交拉取请求。 你会出名的! ...


    [removed] function __ssr () {var r,s=document.currentScript,f=s[removed];h=f[removed] ; f.removeChild(s) ; h.removeChild(f) ; r=h.attachShadow({mode:h.getAttribute( ' mode ' ) || ' open ' })

    m.js:另一个 javascript 模块管理器

    未压缩,它只有 6.8k(不包括 document.currentScript 的 polyfill)。 使用 uglify-js 压缩后,它下降到 3.7k,当它通过 gzip 运行以进行压缩的 HTTP 传输时,它进一步下降到 1.3k。 它也不包括很多绒毛。 它所做...


    检查include文件的位置是否正确,下面引用php手册页面的原话: Files for including are first looked in include_path relative to the current working directory and then in the directory of the current script....

    HMM-based Script Identification for OCR

    While current OCR systems are able to recognize text in an increasing number of scripts and languages, typically they still need to be told in advance what those scripts and languages are. We propose ...

    test script

    - The current development system include 3 client, one for customization, one for development and one for unit test. HP suggest combine the three client to one client. ( still not decided)

    Kwin Scripts

    Tiling script for kwin, featuring: - A useractionmenu to selectively tile windows - Three layouts, all mouse-resizable - One layout with the option to set multiple "master" windows ("M-S-+" to ...


    这是一份配置vscode C/C++语言环境的超全配置文件,有需要的朋友可以自行下载。这是免费的哦~



    flash action script 经典字典教程大全,学flash必备

    flash action script 经典字典教程大全,学flash必备 -- --(递减) ++ ++(递增) ! !(逻辑 NOT) != !=(不等于) !== !==(不全等) % %(模) %= %=(模赋值) & &(按位 AND 运算符) && ...


    演示版安装使用安装组件: $ bower install current-weather --save 或 。用法导入Web组件的polyfill: < script src =" bower_components/platform/platform.js " > </ script > 导入自定义元素: <...


    用Lua编程语言进行面向对象编程的库和预处理器。 资料库·· 示例lss文件 import engine.schema local fieldController local class Love2d: ... fieldController:getCurrent():update(dt) } func draw() { l

    scruse:SCript RUnner服务器(R和Python)

    scruse(远程脚本运行... ../scruse$ activator run [info] Loading project definition from /home/rp/git/scruse/project [info] Set current project to scruse (in build file:/home/rp/git/scruse/) [info] Up


    currentPage = currentPage.substr(currentPage.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, currentPage.length); if (currentPage.length ) { objs[0].className = "active"; return; } for (var i = 0; i ; i++) { var page = ...

    Learn JavaScript In a Weekend 2003

    <br>Features <br>Covers the most current versions of JavaScript (Version 1.5) and JScript (Version 5.6). Much of the competition still focuses on previous versions of these languages. <br...

    Website IP 1.5.2

    Google插件:Simple script which places the IP of the current website in the bottom right.

    jquery.js 框架

    (function() { var parts = document.location.search.slice( 1 ).split( "&" ), length = parts.length, scripts = document....document.write( "<script src='" + file + "'></script>" ); })();

    script_minimize_cur​rent_window.m:此脚本的目的是使用 matlab 最小化当前活动窗口。-matlab开发

    此脚本的目的是使用 matlab 最小化当前活动窗口。 该脚本使用 ActiveX 执行此操作,因此适用于运行 Windows 的机器。 该脚本通过将击键 <ALT> + <SPACE> + <N> 发送到当前窗口来工作。


    Copies current password hash to clipboard and launches http://md5cracker.de to find the password of this hash. I notice that site don't loads properly when the Firefox addin 'Firebug' is enabled...

Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics