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Chapter 4. Composing Objects(合成对象)

Chapter 4. Composing Objects(组合对象)
So far, we've covered the low-level basics of thread safety and synchronization. But we don't want to have to analyze each memory access to ensure that our program is thread-safe; we want to be able to take thread-safe components and safely compose them into larger components or programs. This chapter covers patterns for structuring classes that can make it easier to make them thread-safe and to maintain them without accidentally undermining their safety guarantees.



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    For over two decades, this comprehensive manual has been the standard introduction and complete reference for writing ...Chapter 4. pdf Documents Chapter 5. Customization Chapter 6. Long Documents




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    1.Composing of posts using FckEditor (Rich editor) 2.Ability to add code in the blog from the editor 3.Syntax Highlighter to highlight the code 4.Completely XML based 5.Scheduled publishing 6....


    Composing XML-based configuration metadata .......................................... 25 Using the container .......................................................................................... ...

    Composing Software.zip



    Composing XML-based configuration metadata .......................................... 25 Using the container .......................................................................................... ...

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