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(未解决问题)Tomcat undeploy does not remove web application artifacts

  • J2EE
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It might be that your application cannot completely be undeployed because there are background threads (that you most likely started yourself) or long running requests that are preventing the application to stop completely.

Did you inspect the log files? Did they state if the application could be undeployed successfully? Or the opposite? Can you get a Thread dump after you attempted to undeploy (kill -3 processid on Unix, Ctrl-Break in a console in Windows) and see if there is something still running that shouldn't?

Also note that most applications I've seen cannot be undeployed completely with regard to the memory they took. I've run into OutOfMemoryErrors (PermGen) quite often, especially after redeploying webapps (you'll find a lot of references on PermGen if you google for it) therefor I believe redeploying is ok for development machines, but not for production ones. It's better to know this before you're puzzled by this in production.


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