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  一。Mnogosearch是php的搜索引擎 同dateparksearch一样,并且是由dpsearch改良而来的,与php整合比较好用。
  Posted by Kostas Paganelis2007-09-07 13:37:17
  install mnogosearch-3.3.4 with php extension module
  if they arent already installed
  sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork
  sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  1. sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
  2. sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
  inside mnogosearch-3.x.x directory
  3. ./install.pl (build shared libraries - default settings)
  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mnogosearch --bindir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/bin --sbindir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin --sysconfdir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/etc --localstatedir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/var --libdir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/lib --includedir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/include --mandir=/usr/local/mnogosearch/man --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-syslog --without-docs --enable-pthreads --disable-dmalloc --enable-parser --enable-mp3 --enable-file --enable-http --enable-ftp --enable-htdb --enable-news --with-mysql
  4. make
  5. sudo make install
  Install PHP with mnogosearch support
  the packages below may be already installed.if not, install them
  x. sudo apt-get install build-essential flex
  x. sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
  x. sudo apt-get install g++
  x. sudo apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev
  6. ./configure \
  --disable-debug \
  --disable-rpath \
  --enable-bcmath \
  --enable-calendar \
  --enable-maintainer-zts \
  --enable-embed=shared \
  --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
  --enable-ftp \
  --enable-inline-optimization \
  --enable-magic-quotes \
  --enable-memory-limit \
  --enable-pic \
  --enable-safe-mode \
  --enable-sockets \
  --enable-track-vars \
  --enable-trans-sid \
  --enable-wddx \
  --with-db \
  --with-regex=system \
  --with-pear \
  --with-xml \
  --with-xmlrpc \
  --with-zli \
  --with-mysql=/usr \
  --with-gd \
  --enable-mbstring \
  --with-apxs2=/usr/bin/apxs2 \
  7. make
  the step below is necessary just in order ta have the httpd.conf with at least a line (the httpd.conf must not be empty)
  8. sudo gedit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and write inside "LoadModule mod_xmlent /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_xmlent.so" after the installation you can remove the line
  9. sudo make install
  10. sudo cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini
  11. sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load and write inside "LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so"
  12. sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf and write inside "
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  13. sudo gedit /usr/local/lib/php.ini and the parameters you want
  create database and user for mnogosearch
  edit mnogosearch/etc/indexer.conf (define at least Server and DBAddr)
  copy mnogosearch/etc/stopwords.conf-dist mnogosearch/etc/stopwords.conf
  sudo cp mnogosearch/etc/langmap.conf-dist mnogosearch/etc/langmap.conf
  run mnogosearch/sbin/indexer -Ecreate in order to create the database structure
  run the indexer
  make the PHP extension module
  the step below may not be needed
  x. sudo apt-get install autoconf
  14. run phpize in extension module directory (1.96)
  the step below may not be needed
  x. sudo apt-get install re2c
  15. ./configure --with-mnogosearch
  16. make
  17. then you have mnogosearch.so and mnogosearch.la in the modules directory. move them to your php extension directory (look at the extension_dir value in your php.ini)
  sudo cp modules/mnogosearch.so /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/
  18. edit php.ini
  19. add the line: extension = mnogosearch.so in the extension section
  - restart apache
  after that you configure the file search.htm from the mnogosearch-php-3.2.11 in any way you want.
  At first it gave me no results but when i commented most of the search options i had results normally (e.g categories etc - i hadn't configured the indexer to index the pages by categories or tags).
  首先平配置DBAddr ;
  然后是Document sections. 部分
  还需要注意db和congif的 charset要一致。
  这部分是配置数据库DB的 section
  ################################################## #########################
  # DBAddr 
  # Options (type, host, database name, port, user and password) 
  # to connect to SQL database.
  # Should be used before any other commands.
  # Has global effect for whole config file.
  # Format:
  #DBAddr :[//[DBUser[:DBPass]@]DBHost[:DBPort]]/DBNam e/[?dbmode=mode]
  # ODBC notes:
  # Use DBName to specify ODBC data source name (DSN)
  # DBHost does not matter, use "localhost".
  # Currently supported DBType values are 
  # mysql, pgsql, mssql, oracle, ibase, db2, mimer, sqlite.
  # MySQL users can specify path to Unix socket when connecting to localhost:
  # mysql://foo:bar@localhost/mnogosearch/?socket=/tmp /mysql.sock
  # If you are using PostgreSQL and do not specify hostname,
  # e.g. pgsql://user:password@/dbname/
  # then PostgreSQL will not work via TCP, but will use Unix socket.
  # You may also select database mode of word storage.
  # When "single" is specified, all words are stored in the same table.
  # If "multi" is selected, words will be located in different tables.
  # "multi" mode is usually faster but requires more tables.
  # Default mode is "single".
  # DBAddr mysql://root:123456@localhost/mnogosearch/?dbmode= blob
  RemoteCharset utf-8
  DBAddr   mysql://root:123456@localhost/test1/?dbmode=single &setnames=utf8 
  HTDBAddr mysql://root:123456@localhost/test2/?dbmode=single &setnames=utf8 
  // 当你使用DBsearch的时候,需要下面的设置
  HTDBList "SELECT ID  FROM tablename WHERE status = 'y' AND (tag  '' OR name  '' OR description  '')"
  HTDBDoc  "SELECT name,tag,description  FROM tablename WHERE status = 'y' AND ID = $2 AND (tag  '' OR name  '' OR description '')"
  Server htdb:/dbName/




    C++开发的搜寻引擎--mnogosearch 3.3.7

    nogosearch 3.3.7是C++开发的搜寻引擎,能搜到最接近的查询内容


    mnogosearch2sitemap脚本分析您的数据库mnoGoSearch并生成一个或多个站点地图文件。 这些文件是您在Web服务器上可用的内容的XML列表。 然后可以将文件直接提交给Google。




    mnoGoSearch是用于Intranet和Internet服务器的功能全面的搜索引擎软件。 它使用SQL数据库存储数据,并能够在多达数十台计算机上扩展索引,从而可以索引多达数亿个文档。

    PHP5 完整官方 中文教程

    mnoGoSearch — mnoGoSearch Functions MS SQL Server — Microsoft SQL Server Functions MS SQL Server (PDO) — Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) Msession — Mohawk Software Session ...


    mnoGoSearch — mnoGoSearch Functions MS SQL Server — Microsoft SQL Server Functions MS SQL Server (PDO) — Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) Msession — Mohawk Software Session ...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXIII. mSQL Functions LXIV. MySQL 函数库 LXV. Improved MySQL Extension LXVI. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXVII. muscat Functions LXVIII. Network Functions LXIX. ...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO...

    PHP5 开发手册 简体中文手册

    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXXI. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXXII. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXIII. mSQL Functions ...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL ...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXXI. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXXII. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXXIII. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXIV. mSQL Functions ...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO...


    mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions LXXXI. mSQL Functions LXXXII. Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO...


    mnoGoSearch Functions XCII. Microsoft SQL Server Functions XCIII. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) XCIV. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions XCV. mSQL Functions XCVI. ...


    mnoGoSearch Functions XCII. Microsoft SQL Server Functions XCIII. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) XCIV. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions XCV. mSQL Functions XCVI. ...


    High Performance FullText Search EuroOSCON 2006, Brussels, Belgium, September 2006 This presentation speaks about FullText search techniques for content stored ...mnogosearch and perform benchmarks.

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