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var hours = today.getHours();
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                              <strong><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5" color=#003399><b>数字翻译成英文<br>
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<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
<!-- Begin
var n = "";
function validate(input) {
if (input.length == 0) {
alert ('请输入一个数字');
document.myform.textver.value = "";
return true;
else convert(input);
function d1(x) { // single digit terms
switch(x) {
case '0': n= ""; break;
case '1': n= " One "; break;
case '2': n= " Two "; break;
case '3': n= " Three "; break;
case '4': n= " Four "; break;
case '5': n= " Five "; break;
case '6': n= " Six "; break;
case '7': n= " Seven "; break;
case '8': n= " Eight "; break;
case '9': n= " Nine "; break;
default: n = "Not a Number";
return n;
function d2(x) { // 10x digit terms
switch(x) {
case '0': n= ""; break;
case '1': n= ""; break;
case '2': n= " Twenty "; break;
case '3': n= " Thirty "; break;
case '4': n= " Forty "; break;
case '5': n= " Fifty "; break;
case '6': n= " Sixty "; break;
case '7': n= " Seventy "; break;
case '8': n= " Eighty "; break;
case '9': n= " Ninety "; break;
default: n = "Not a Number";
return n;
function d3(x) { // teen digit terms
switch(x) {
case '0': n= " Ten "; break;
case '1': n= " Eleven "; break;
case '2': n= " Twelve "; break;
case '3': n= " Thirteen "; break;
case '4': n= " Fourteen "; break;
case '5': n= " Fifteen "; break;
case '6': n= " Sixteen "; break;
case '7': n= " Seventeen "; break;
case '8': n= " Eighteen "; break;
case '9': n= " Nineteen "; break;
default: n=  "Not a Number";
return n;
function convert(input) {
var inputlength = input.length;
var x = 0;
var teen1 = "";
var teen2 = "";
var teen3 = "";
var numName = "";
var invalidNum = "";
var a1 = ""; // for insertion of million, thousand, hundred 
var a2 = "";
var a3 = "";
var a4 = "";
var a5 = "";
digit = new Array(inputlength); // stores output
for (i = 0; i < inputlength; i++)  {
// puts digits into array
digit[inputlength - i] = input.charAt(i)};
store = new Array(9); // store output
for (i = 0; i < inputlength; i++) {
x= inputlength - i;
switch (x) { // assign text to each digit
case x=9: d1(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=8: if (digit[x] == "1") {teen3 = "yes"}
          else {teen3 = ""}; d2(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=7: if (teen3 == "yes") {teen3 = ""; d3(digit[x])}
          else {d1(digit[x])}; store[x] = n; break;
case x=6: d1(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=5: if (digit[x] == "1") {teen2 = "yes"}
          else {teen2 = ""}; d2(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=4: if (teen2 == "yes") {teen2 = ""; d3(digit[x])}    
          else {d1(digit[x])}; store[x] = n; break;
case x=3: d1(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=2: if (digit[x] == "1") {teen1 = "yes"}
          else {teen1 = ""}; d2(digit[x]); store[x] = n; break;
case x=1: if (teen1 == "yes") {teen1 = "";d3(digit[x])}     
          else {d1(digit[x])}; store[x] = n; break;
if (store[x] == "Not a Number"){invalidNum = "yes"};
switch (inputlength){
case 1:   store[2] = ""; 
case 2:   store[3] = ""; 
case 3:   store[4] = ""; 
case 4:   store[5] = "";
case 5:   store[6] = "";
case 6:   store[7] = "";
case 7:   store[8] = "";
case 8:   store[9] = "";
if (store[9] != "") { a1 =" Hundred, "} else {a1 = ""};
if ((store[9] != "")||(store[8] != "")||(store[7] != ""))
{ a2 =" Million, "} else {a2 = ""};
if (store[6] != "") { a3 =" Hundred "} else {a3 = ""};
if ((store[6] != "")||(store[5] != "")||(store[4] != ""))
{ a4 =" Thousand, "} else {a4 = ""};
if (store[3] != "") { a5 =" Hundred "} else {a5 = ""};
// add up text, cancel if invalid input found
if (invalidNum == "yes"){numName = "对不起,你输入的不是数字!"}
else {
numName =  store[9] + a1 + store[8] + store[7] 
+ a2 + store[6] + a3 + store[5] + store[4] 
+ a4 + store[3] + a5 + store[2] + store[1];
store[1] = ""; store[2] = ""; store[3] = ""; 
store[4] = ""; store[5] = ""; store[6] = "";
store[7] = ""; store[8] = ""; store[9] = "";
if (numName == ""){numName = "Zero"};
document.myform.textver.value = numName;
return true;
//  End -->
<FONT color=#dc143c size=4>&nbsp;请输入一个0到999,999,999之间的数字 </FONT></P>
<DIV align=center>
<FORM name=myform>
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><FONT color=#dc143c size=4>数字</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=9 size=9 name=numver><FONT color=#dc143c size=4> </FONT><INPUT onClick="return validate(document.myform.numver.value)" type=button value=翻译数字></TD></TR>
<TD><FONT color=#dc143c size=4>英文翻译</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=50 size=50 name=textver><FONT color=#dc143c size=4></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD align=middle colSpan=2><FONT color=#dc143c size=4></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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