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[Feb 24 2010] Erlang/OTP R13B04 has been released

Erlang/OTP R13B04 has been released. R13B04 is a service release for R13B. There are mostly error corrections, but also some new functionality.
This is the first release after the introduction of the official Git repository at Github and it is amazing to notice that the number of contributions from the community has increased significantly. As many as 32 contributors have provided 1 or more patches each until now, resulting in 51 integrated patches from the open source community in this service release.
In addition to the contributions provided by the community we have the following examples of highlights in the release:

    * The documentation can now be built from the source.
    * The Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) are still in beta, but much enhanced.
    * The garbage collection of binaries is further enhanced.
    * Support for user defined prompt in the shell. A small but useful new function.
    * Enhanced cross compilation support

*BUG fix版本,细细碎碎的改进了不少. 添加了个lcnt工具


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