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hibernate模糊查询-Restrictions.ilike & Expression.like


 Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(TaDiagnoseSystem.class);
//    criteria.createCriteria("taDiagnoseSystemSubs").add(Restrictions.ilike("systemName", systemName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
    criteria.createCriteria("taDiagnoseSystemSubs").add(Expression.like("systemName", "%"+systemName+"%"));




String name = "", info = "";
if (sub != null && sub.getSubname() != null) {
name = sub.getSubname();
if (sub != null && sub.getSubinfo() != null) {
info = sub.getSubinfo();
Criteria cr = session.createCriteria(Subject.class);

String hql = "from Subject as s where s.subname like :name and s.subinfo like :info";
// 调用session的获得数据列表方法,传递HQL查询语句
String  subnamevalue="要查询的中文值";
String   sql="";
sql   = "from Pfapp  where name like :subname ";

Query query = session.createQuery(sql); 

如果你写   (对象名.对象属性),那么hibernate就按照ormapping中的映射字段进行查找
1 楼 馋朵朵 2011-09-27  



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