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A Test (at first automatically generated by the WL Writer, now intended by the blog owner)


It is test on writing and publishing this live space with Windows Live Writer.
It looks cool and functions well*, but it would be better if it were fully accommodated to all the features the Live provides and/or were integrated with the equally smart Live Mail which has almost made me abandon foxmail.

*Except for one bug which has already been found in the latest build that articles and associated attributes might be misplaced or missing when previewed as webpage.

I confess it is cool, and I’d like to add a bit of code with the even cooler wlwriter code snippet plugin below:

   1: class CSharp
   2: {
   3:     static void Main()
   4:     {
   5:         Console.WriteLine("C-sharp goes first. Code input and preview are placed in separate textboxes "
   6:            + "in the editor. But the feature it offers is quite the same as that online.");
   7:     }
   8: }

Then comes C++

   1: int main()
   2: {
   3:     printf("It's C++'s turn. Pity that code folding is not available./n");
   4:     printf("However post-edit of code is never so easy./n");
   5:     return 0;
   6: }

Last but not the least, thanks to the developer of this excellent plugin, and the download link:



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