
MongoDB中group() mapReduce() aggregate()之比较




  1. SELECT team, no FROM users GROUP BY team                             (1)  



从mongodb2.2之后,有了三个function可以实现这个功能,他们按照产生的顺序,分别是group(), mapReduce()和aggregate().

他们之间的区别有哪些呢?参照stack overflow上讨论http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12337319/mongodb-aggregation-comparison-group-group-and-mapreduce整理如下:


1.     db.collection.group().



[javascript] view plaincopy
  1. Db.collection.group(  
  2.             key,  
  3.             reduce,  
  4.             initial,  
  5.             keyf,  
  6.             cond,  
  7.             finalize).  



  • Simple syntax and functionality for grouping .. analogous to GROUP BY in SQL.
  • Returns result set inline (as an array of grouped items).
  • Implemented using the JavaScript engine; custom reduce() functions can be written in JavaScript.
  • Current Limitations
    • Will not group into a result set with more than 10,000 keys.
    • Results must fit within the limitations of a BSON document (currently 16Mb).
    • Takes a read lock and does not allow any other threads to execute JavaScript while it is running.
    • Does not work with sharded collections.

Ex: 如果需要实现语句1的功能,实现如下:

[javascript] view plaincopy
  1. db.users.group({key: {team: 1}, initial: {members: []}, reduce: function(cur, result){result.members.push(cur.no);}});  


2.     db.collection.mapReduce().



[javascript] view plaincopy
  1. db.collection.mapReduce(  
  2.                          <mapfunction>,  
  3.                         <reducefunction>,  
  4.                          {  
  5.                            out: <collection>,  
  6.                            query: <document>,  
  7.                            sort: <document>,  
  8.                            limit: <number>,  
  9.                            finalize: <function>,  
  10.                            scope: <document>,  
  11.                            jsMode: <boolean>,  
  12.                            verbose: <boolean>  
  13.                          }  
  14.                        )  



  • Implements the MapReduce model for processing large data sets.
  • Can choose from one of several output options (inline, new collection, merge, replace, reduce)
  • MapReduce functions are written in JavaScript.
  • Supports non-sharded and sharded input collections.
  • Can be used for incremental aggregation over large collections.
  • MongoDB 2.2 implements much better support for sharded map reduce output.
  • Current Limitations
    • There is a JavaScript lock so a mongod server can only execute one JavaScript function at a point in time .. however, most steps of the MapReduce are very short so locks can be yielded frequently.
    • MapReduce functions can be difficult to debug. You can use print() and printjson() to include diagnostic output in the mongod log.
    • MapReduce is generally not intuitive for programmers trying to translate relational query aggregation experience.

由于需要用到js engine,所以速度是比较慢的,具体的可以参照http://technicaldebt.com/?p=1157


Ex: 如果需要实现语句1的功能,实现如下:

[javascript] view plaincopy
  1. var map = function(){ emit(this.team, this.no); };   
  2. var reduce = function(key, value){ return {team: key, members: value}; };  
  3. db.users.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: "team_member"});  


3.     db.collection.aggregate().

For simplertasks, mapReduce is big hammer. And avoid overhead of JavaScript engine, alsoselect matching subdocuments and arrays. Aggregate framework is implementedwithpipelinein C++.

Pipeline 定义的操作有:

$match – query predicate as a filter.

$project – use a sample document todetermine the shape of the result.

$unwind – hands out array elements oneat a time.

$group – aggregates items into bucketsdefined by a key.

$sort – sort document.

$limit – allow the specified number ofdocuments to pass

$skip – skip over the specified numberof documents.


  • New feature in the MongoDB 2.2.0 production release (August, 2012).
  • Designed with specific goals of improving performance and usability.
  • Returns result set inline.
  • Supports non-sharded and sharded input collections.
  • Uses a "pipeline" approach where objects are transformed as they pass through a series of pipeline operators such as matching, projecting, sorting, and grouping.
  • Pipeline operators need not produce one output document for every input document: operators may also generate new documents or filter out documents.
  • Using projections you can add computed fields, create new virtual sub-objects, and extract sub-fields into the top-level of results.
  • Pipeline operators can be repeated as needed (for example, multiple $project or $groupsteps.
  • Current Limitations
    • Results are returned inline, so are limited to the maximum document size supported by the server (16Mb)
    • Doesn't support as many output options as MapReduce
    • Limited to operators and expressions supported by the Aggregation Framework (i.e. can't write custom functions)
    • Newest server feature for aggregation, so has more room to mature in terms of documentation, feature set, and usage.

Ex: 如果需要实现语句1的功能,实现如下:

[javascript] view plaincopy
  1. db.users.aggregate({$project: {team: 1, no: 1}}, {$group: { _id: "$team", memebers: {$addToSet: "$no"}}});  









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