
Add directory entries问题



Eclipse在打包源码成jar时,把这Add directory entries勾上即可解决问题


1 楼 aigo_h 2014-08-22  


    zip.exe (来源于Gow )

    -F fix zipfile (-FF try harder) -D do not add directory entries -A adjust self-extracting exe -J junk zipfile prefix (unzipsfx) -T test zipfile integrity -X eXclude eXtra file attributes -! use ...


    21. Fix regression: Handle "Default Directory" setting correctly in Open/Save File Dialog. 22. Fix a special character in UTF16 file crash issue 23. Add "Append extension" checkbox to Save As dialog. ...


    21. Fix regression: Handle "Default Directory" setting correctly in Open/Save File Dialog. 22. Fix a special character in UTF16 file crash issue 23. Add "Append extension" checkbox to Save As dialog. ...


    21. Fix regression: Handle "Default Directory" setting correctly in Open/Save File Dialog. 22. Fix a special character in UTF16 file crash issue 23. Add "Append extension" checkbox to Save As dialog. ...


    -keep-as-directory If one source directory is specified, create a root directory containing that directory, rather than the contents of the directory -root-becomes name When appending source ...


    -check_data add checkdata for greater filesystem checks -root-owned alternative name for -all-root -noInodeCompression alternative name for -noI -noDataCompression alternative name for -noD -...

    GRUB 2 bootloader - Full GRUB 2 bootloader_files

    Sample /etc/grub.d/ directory Sample /etc/default/grub Basic usage How GRUB 2 works? Add new GRUB script Update GRUB Change script boot order by changing numbers Replacing default entries OS Prober ...


    1. Extract wpomatic.zip in the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Follow the on-screen instructions.s == Frequently Asked Questions == ...

    VclZip pro v3.10.1

    Due to a Delphi strange behavior sometimes path names for directory only entries would become corrupted. Removed reference to QConsts, replaced with RTLConsts. Sometimes a GPF would result if a ...


    completely self contained and uses no registry entries. Usage: ------ edjpgcom "filename.jpg" The quotes around the filename are *required* (Don't ask.) A dialog will popup. The text area will ...

    Visual C++ 编程资源大全(英文源码 其它)

    ProjectExplorer.zip A DevStudio Add-in that adds the ability to launch windows explorer in the directory of the currently active project(32KB)<END><br>74,PLC111.zip Get statistics about your ...

    Ant 1.9.2 API (CHM格式)

    从之前发布其他chm文件下载用户的反映看,有不少朋友反映下载后打开无法显示,这一般不是chm文件的问题,这里统一说明一下解决办法: 如果文件打开看不到右边的内容,是因为你的操作系统为了安全对下载的chm文件...


    Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'...


    ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD (列说明列表) 例:为test表增加一列Age,用来存放年龄 sql>alter table test add (Age number(3)); 修改基表列定义命令如下: ALTER TABLE 表名 MODIFY (列名 数据类型) 例:将test...


    - Can recursively browse a directory ( ex fciv.exe c:\ -r ). - Exception list to specify files or directories that should not be computed. - Database listing. - hashes and signature verifications. - ...


    button to add the BDC to its new domain. Be sure to specify the BDC radio button when adding. How it Works NewSID starts by reading the existing computer SID. A computer‘s SID is stored in the ...

    Turbo C++ 3.0[DISK]

    catalog of entries. 4. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait and you have sent in the license agreement that came with the package, you may call the Borland Technical Support Department ...

    Turbo C++ 3.00[DISK]

    catalog of entries. 4. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait and you have sent in the license agreement that came with the package, you may call the Borland Technical Support Department ...


    Windows directory (C:\windows or C:\winnt) ; See the PHP docs for more specific information. ; http://php.net/configuration.file ; The syntax of the file is extremely simple. Whitespace and lines ; ...

    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 其它)

    Copy the file with .scr extension to your computers win directory (Windows for 98, Winnt for NT) and check in screens saver settings.<END><br>73,Cls_sample_Collection.zip Implement with Class and ...

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