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       #include <semaphore.h>

       int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
       int sem_wait(sem_t * sem);
       int sem_trywait(sem_t * sem);

       int sem_post(sem_t * sem);
       int sem_getvalue(sem_t * sem, int * sval);

       int sem_destroy(sem_t * sem);
       This manual page documents POSIX 1003.1b semaphores, not to be confused with SystemV semaphores as described in ipc(5),
       semctl(2) and semop(2).

       Semaphores are counters for resources shared between threads. The basic operations on semaphores are: increment the
       counter atomically, and wait until the counter is non-null and decrement it atomically.
// 在编程中,信号量最常用的方式就是一个线程A使用sem_wait阻塞,因为此时信号量计数为0,直到另外一个线程B发出信号post后,信号量计数加 1,此时,线程A得到了信号,信号量的计数为1不为空,所以就从sem_wait返回了,然后信号量的计数又减1变为零。
       sem_init initializes the semaphore object pointed to by sem. The count associated with the semaphore is set initially to
       value. The pshared argument indicates whether the semaphore is local to the current process ( pshared is zero) or is to
       be shared between several processes ( pshared is not zero). LinuxThreads currently does not support process-shared
       semaphores, thus sem_init always returns with error ENOSYS if pshared is not zero.
       sem_wait suspends the calling thread until the semaphore pointed to by sem has non-zero count. It then atomically
       decreases the semaphore count.

       sem_trywait is a non-blocking variant of sem_wait. If the semaphore pointed to by sem has non-zero count, the count is
       atomically decreased and sem_trywait immediately returns 0. If the semaphore count is zero, sem_trywait immediately
       returns with error EAGAIN.
       sem_post atomically increases the count of the semaphore pointed to by sem. This function never blocks and can safely be
       used in asynchronous signal handlers.
       sem_getvalue stores in the location pointed to by sval the current count of the semaphore sem.
       sem_destroy destroys a semaphore object, freeing the resources it might hold. No threads should be waiting on the
       semaphore at the time sem_destroy is called. In the LinuxThreads implementation, no resources are associated with
       semaphore objects, thus sem_destroy actually does nothing except checking that no thread is waiting on the semaphore.
// 销毁信号量对象,释放信号量内部资源。然而在linux的线程中,其实是没有任何资源关联到信号量对象需要释放的,因此在linux中,销毁信号量对象的作用仅仅是测试是否有线程因为该信号量在等待。如果函数返回0说明没有,正常注销信号量,如果返回EBUSY,说明还有线程正在等待该信号量的信号。

       sem_wait is a cancellation point.

       On processors supporting atomic compare-and-swap (Intel 486, Pentium and later, Alpha, PowerPC, MIPS II, Motorola 68k),
       the sem_post function is async-signal safe and can therefore be called from signal handlers. This is the only thread syn-
       chronization function provided by POSIX threads that is async-signal safe.

       On the Intel 386 and the Sparc, the current LinuxThreads implementation of sem_post is not async-signal safe by lack of
       the required atomic operations.

       The sem_wait and sem_getvalue functions always return 0. All other semaphore functions return 0 on success and -1 on
       error, in addition to writing an error code in errno.

       The sem_init function sets errno to the following codes on error:
              EINVAL value exceeds the maximal counter value SEM_VALUE_MAX

              ENOSYS pshared is not zero

       The sem_trywait function sets errno to the following error code on error:

              EAGAIN the semaphore count is currently 0

       The sem_post function sets errno to the following error code on error:

              ERANGE after incrementation, the semaphore value would exceed SEM_VALUE_MAX (the semaphore count is left unchanged
                     in this case)

       The sem_destroy function sets errno to the following error code on error:

              EBUSY some threads are currently blocked waiting on the semaphore.






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