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Javascript 窗口的几何关系和相关方法、属性

Window Geometry

Screen coordinates describe the position of a browser window on the desktop; they are measured relative to the upper-left corner of the desktop.


Window coordinates describe a position within the web browser's viewport; they are measured relative to the upper-left corner of the viewport.


Document coordinates describe a position within an HTML document; they are measured relative to the upper-left corner of the document. When the document is longer or wider than the viewport (as web pages often are), document coordinates and window coordinates are not the same, and you'll need to take the position of the scrollbars into account when converting between these two coordinate systems.


For some reason, IE places these window geometry properties on the <body> of the HTML document. And, further confusing matters, IE 6, when displaying a document with a <!DOCTYPE> declaration, places the properties on the document.documentElement element instead of document.body.

IE with doctypescreenLeft/TopdocumentElement.clientWidthdocumentElement.scrollLeft/Top/HeightdocumentElement.scrollLeft/Top


 * Geometry.js: portable functions for querying window and document geometry
 * This module defines functions for querying window and document geometry.
 * getWindowX/Y( ): return the position of the window on the screen
 * getViewportWidth/Height( ): return the size of the browser viewport area
 * getDocumentWidth/Height( ): return the size of the document
 * getHorizontalScroll( ): return the position of the horizontal scrollbar
 * getVerticalScroll( ): return the position of the vertical scrollbar
 * Note that there is no portable way to query the overall size of the
 * browser window, so there are no getWindowWidth/Height( ) functions.
 * IMPORTANT: This module must be included in the <body> of a document
 *            instead of the <head> of the document.
var Geometry = {};

if (window.screenLeft) { // IE and others
    Geometry.getWindowX = function( ) { return window.screenLeft; };
    Geometry.getWindowY = function( ) { return window.screenTop; };
else if (window.screenX) { // Firefox and others
    Geometry.getWindowX = function( ) { return window.screenX; };
    Geometry.getWindowY = function( ) { return window.screenY; };

if (window.innerWidth) { // All browsers but IE
    Geometry.getViewportWidth = function( ) { return window.innerWidth; };
    Geometry.getViewportHeight = function( ) { return window.innerHeight; };
    Geometry.getHorizontalScroll = function( ) { return window.pageXOffset; };
    Geometry.getVerticalScroll = function( ) { return window.pageYOffset; };
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
    // These functions are for IE 6 when there is a DOCTYPE
    Geometry.getViewportWidth =
        function( ) { return document.documentElement.clientWidth; };
    Geometry.getViewportHeight =
        function( ) { return document.documentElement.clientHeight; };
    Geometry.getHorizontalScroll =
        function( ) { return document.documentElement.scrollLeft; };
    Geometry.getVerticalScroll =
        function( ) { return document.documentElement.scrollTop; };
else if (document.body.clientWidth) {
    // These are for IE4, IE5, and IE6 without a DOCTYPE
    Geometry.getViewportWidth =
        function( ) { return document.body.clientWidth; };
    Geometry.getViewportHeight =
        function( ) { return document.body.clientHeight; };
    Geometry.getHorizontalScroll =
        function( ) { return document.body.scrollLeft; };
    Geometry.getVerticalScroll =
        function( ) { return document.body.scrollTop; };

// These functions return the size of the document. They are not window
// related, but they are useful to have here anyway.
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElemnet.scrollWidth) {
    Geometry.getDocumentWidth =
        function( ) { return document.documentElement.scrollWidth; };
    Geometry.getDocumentHeight =
        function( ) { return document.documentElement.scrollHeight; };
else if (document.body.scrollWidth) {
    Geometry.getDocumentWidth =
        function( ) { return document.body.scrollWidth; };
    Geometry.getDocumentHeight =
        function( ) { return document.body.scrollHeight; };




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