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Unix面试题(英文 附答案)2-3

41, What switch is used with the useradd command to specify a user's initial group?   D   -g
42, You had a contractor come into your company. You originally set his account to expire after thirty days. You now need to change this. How can you do this? B  usermod -e 
43, You want to schedule a job to run April 1 at 2 am. Which of the following would accomplish this?A   at 2am April 1   
44, You want to list the cron table for user1. How would you do this?
A crontab -u user1       
45, If the cron.allow file does not exist, then the _______ file will be checked in order to determine if a user has access to the cron utility.A  cron.deny    46, You want to give the variable ‘IQ' a value of 4. How would you do this?
A   set $IQ=4  
47, Which of the following options can be used with the mkfs command to check for bad blocks before the file system is built?  C  -c  
48, What command is used to change the group that is associated with a file?
  D   chgrp
49, In what directory are spool files usually located?A   /var  
50, Which of the following can be used to replace the Master Boot Record on your system?A  FDISK /MBR 
51, Which of the following commands can be used to show used swap memory
    B  free   
52, You want to display default user options. Which of the following would allow you to do this?  D  useradd –D
53, What command would you use to change the priority of a process that is already running?   B  renice  
54,BGLI16:The correct answer(s): A The find command is used to search for files. The -group switch allows you to search for files by group ownership
A  pc     B  susp     C  process    D   jobs
BGLI54:The correct answer(s): D  The jobs command can be used to check the status of your processes. This can be very useful in troubleshooting. It makes it easier to find out what process may be causing trouble.
55,You want a particular process to run in the background so that it is only using minimal system resources. What command would allow you to accomplish this?A   bg  
56, You have a process running in the background. You want to move the process back to the foreground. What command would allow you to accomplish this?A  fg 
57,You want to locate all files that were accessed more than 3 days ago. How would you do this?  D  find time 3d
58,What command would you use to find files that were owned by the group ‘mygroup'?A   find -group mygroup    
59, Which of the following would be used to display the partition table for a particular device?A  fdisk -l   
60,What command is used to mount all file systems listed in fstab?
  B  mount -a





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