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Will Tech Lead the Way to Recovery?

或许硅谷眼下正是阳光明媚,但科技行业高管都对前景感到相当乐观,至少是对他们所在的科技行业。咨询公司毕马威(KPMG)近期对130家科技公司的高管进行了一次调查。结果显示,80%的科技行业高管都表示一年之后的业务状况会好于目前。78%的受访高管表示,他们预计明年公司收入会将增加;72%的高管预期利润将会增长。总的来说,毕马威所调查的科技行业高管中,有57%的人预计经济将在明年之前实现复苏。考虑到最近几周传出的一些利好经济消息,这些乐观情绪并不令人意外。但66%的科技公司高管认为,科技行业的复苏步伐会快于整体经济,只有17%的高管持相反观点。硅谷地区的科技公司的高管对他们的行业感到更为乐观,77%的硅谷高管认为科技行业会更为迅速地复苏。毕马威信息通信和娱乐业务负责人马图萨克(Gary Matuszak)表示,科技行业目前人气相当乐观。但他指出,这种乐观情绪可能是有道理的。当企业再度开始投资购买科技产品,很多科技公司生产的部件都会被提前下单订购。一些以往面向企业销售产品的科技公司目前正在推出消费者产品,这或许有助于提振他们的销量。此外,马图萨克表示,在互联网泡沫破灭之后,科技行业就较为迅速地实现复苏,不过他也承认当时是科技行业引发了经济下滑。Ben Worthen相关阅读美国消费者掣肘经济复苏 2009-08-19生产率提高预示经济即将复苏? 2009-08-11美国经济复苏的三种可能:快慢短 2009-08-18信息和通讯技术产业从经济复苏中获益 2009-07-29

Maybe it's all the sunshine in Silicon Valley, but tech executives are feeling pretty good about the future─at least their part of it.Eighty percent of tech companies said that business conditions will be better a year from now, according to a survey of senior executives at 130 tech companies by consulting firm KPMG. Seventy-eight percent of these executives said that they expected revenue to rise next year, and 72% expected increased profits. In all, 57% of the tech execs surveyed by KPMG expected the economy to have recovered by next year?None of this is all that surprising considering some of the positive economic news in recent weeks. But 66% of the tech executives thought that the tech industry would recover faster than the economy as a whole, and only 17% said it would be later. Executives at companies based in Silicon Valley were even more bullish about their industry, with 77% saying that the tech industry would recover faster.The tech industry is a 'fairly optimistic bunch,' says Gary Matuszak, chair of the information, communication and entertainment practice at KPMG. But he notes that it may be warranted. Many tech companies make components that will need to be ordered ahead of time if finished products are going to be available when businesses start buying tech again. And some tech companies that have traditionally sold to businesses are coming out with products targeted at consumers, which could help boost their sales. Plus, Matuszak says that the tech industry recovered faster from the dot-com bust, although he concedes that it's easy to argue that tech caused that downturn.Ben Worthen


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