
flex path(转)




如:<s:Path data="M0 0L10 10Z"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import mx.graphics.SolidColorStroke;
private var stroke:SolidColorStroke = new SolidColorStroke(0xfff000, 2);
<s:State name="normal" />
<s:State name="disabled" />
<s:HGroup gap="50">
<s:Path data="M0 0L60 0Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M0 0L0 60Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M0 0L60 60Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M0 60L60 0Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M0 0L10 0Z M20 0L30 0Z M40 0L50 0Z M60 0L70 0Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="C0 0 0 60 60 60" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M0 0 60 0 60 60 0 60Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M0 0 60 0 30 40Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="C0 0 0 30 30 30 30 30 60 30 60 0Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="Q0 0 0 30 30 30 30 30 60 30 60 0 60 -30 30 -30 0 -30 0 0" stroke="{stroke}"/>
<s:Path data="M31.0376 1.17676L40.3076 20.9272 61.0376 24.0947 46.0376 39.4683 49.5786 61.1768 31.0376 50.9272 12.4966 61.1768 16.0376 39.4683 1.0376 24.0947 21.7676 20.9272 31.0376 1.17676Z" stroke="{stroke}"/>



    ArcGIS API for Flex 2.5

    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.5-2011-11-30.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

    flex arcgis 应用

    3. In Flex builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-1.2-2009-05-15.swc") 4. In Flex builder, ...

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    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.4-2011-07-25.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

    ArcGIS API for Flex 2.0

    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.0-2010-06-25.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

    ArcGIS API for Flex 2.4

    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.4-2011-07-25.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

    ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3

    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.3-2011-04-14.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

    ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2

    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.2-2010-12-08.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

    ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0

    3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -&gt; Properties -&gt; Flex Build Path -&gt; Library Path -&gt; Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-3.0-2012-06-06.swc") 4. In Adobe ...

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    全覆盖路径规划器(FCPP) ...Full Coverage Path Planner软件包已在 Melodic和Ubuntu 18.04下进行了测试。 安装 从源头建造 依存关系 (机器人技术的中间件), 用于系统测试的 (移动基本Flex节点) 建筑 要从


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    flex+spring+struts2+ibatis 整合的eclipse工程

    五,右击该项目进入properties中,点击Flex Build Path,把Output folder 中的C:\Tomcat 6.0改为你的tomcat位置Output folder URL中端口为你的tomcat服务端口 六,点击Flex Compiler -services "C:\Tomcat 6.0\...


    bison-2.4.1-setup.exe\flex-2.5.4a-1.exe 下载后直接点击安装就可以,接着右键计算机,打开属性-&gt;高级系统设置-&gt;环境变量,在path变量中添加路径,即到你安装好的程序的bin的路径,如:C:\Program Files (x86)\...


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    五子棋游戏(Flex 源码)

    Include them in your Flash CS3 build path. Package application.view.components.* contains classes for each symbol in library. There is no need in most of them unless you're using FlexBuilder to write...

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