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Linux 下 通过 stat 命令获取文件的属性,例如大小,最后的修改时间等等.


stat的属性使用方法 可以通过

"stat --help" 获取如下内容:


Usage: stat [OPTION] FILE...
Display file or filesystem status.

  -f, --filesystem      display filesystem status instead of file status
  -c  --format=FORMAT   use the specified FORMAT instead of the default
  -L, --dereference     follow links
  -Z, --context         print the security context information if available
  -t, --terse           print the information in terse form
      --help     display this help and exit
      --version  output version information and exit

The valid format sequences for files (without --filesystem):

  %A   Access rights in human readable form
  %a   Access rights in octal
  %B   The size in bytes of each block reported by `%b'
  %b   Number of blocks allocated (see %B)
  %D   Device number in hex
  %d   Device number in decimal
  %F   File type
  %f   Raw mode in hex
  %G   Group name of owner
  %g   Group ID of owner
  %h   Number of hard links
  %i   Inode number
  %N   Quoted File name with dereference if symbolic link
  %n   File name
  %o   IO block size
  %s   Total size, in bytes
  %T   Minor device type in hex
  %t   Major device type in hex
  %U   User name of owner
  %u   User ID of owner
  %X   Time of last access as seconds since Epoch
  %x   Time of last access
  %Y   Time of last modification as seconds since Epoch
  %y   Time of last modification
  %Z   Time of last change as seconds since Epoch
  %z   Time of last change

Valid format sequences for file systems:

  %a   Free blocks available to non-superuser
  %b   Total data blocks in file system
  %c   Total file nodes in file system
  %d   Free file nodes in file system
  %f   Free blocks in file system
  %C - Security context in SELinux
  %i   File System id in hex
  %l   Maximum length of filenames
  %n   File name
  %s   Optimal transfer block size
  %T   Type in human readable form
  %t   Type in hex



1. 不带参数   stat /path/to/myfile.ext  输出如下:

  File: `myfile.ext'
  Size: 1044611         Blocks: 2056       IO Block: 32768  regular file
Device: xxx/xxx Inode: 1543149     Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: (3005410/  xxxxx)   Gid: (10001013/xxxxxx)
Access: 2011-08-16 03:01:05.393004000 -0400
Modify: 2011-08-16 04:09:30.714166000 -0400
Change: 2011-08-16 04:09:30.714166000 -0400

2. 带参数   stat -c'%Z| %s' myfile.ext   输出如下:





  %Z   Time of last change as seconds since Epoch


 %s   Total size, in bytes

    注意,如果使用多个格式标签,需要使用引号将其包裹起来,此处的 | 是自行添加的,可以自行添加\t \n 等等格式字符.






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    4.2 stat、fstat和lstat函数  4.3 文件类型  4.4 设置用户ID和设置组ID  4.5 文件访问权限  4.6 新文件和目录的所有权  4.7 access函数  4.8 umask函数  4.9 chmod和fchmod函数  4.10 粘住位  ...


    4.2 stat、fstat和lstat函数71 目录 4.3 文件类型72 4.4 设置用户id和设置组id 74 4.5 文件访问权限75 4.6 新文件和目录的所有权77 4.7 access函数77 4.8 umask函数79 4.9 chmod和fchmod函数81 4.10 粘住位...


    4.2 stat、fstat和lstat函数 71 4.3 文件类型 72 4.4 设置用户ID和设置组ID 74 4.5 文件访问权限 75 4.6 新文件和目录的所有权 77 4.7 access函数 77 4.8 umask函数 79 4.9 chmod和fchmod函数 81 ...


    4.2 stat、fstat和lstat函数71 目录 4.3 文件类型72 4.4 设置用户id和设置组id 74 4.5 文件访问权限75 4.6 新文件和目录的所有权77 4.7 access函数77 4.8 umask函数79 4.9 chmod和fchmod函数81 4.10 粘住位...


    68 习题 68 第4章 文件和目录 71 4.1 引言 71 4.2 stat、fstat和lstat函数 71 4.3 文件类型 72 4.4 设置用户ID和设置组ID 74 4.5 文件访问权限 75 4.6 新文件和目录的所有权 77 4.7 access函数 77 ...


    4.2 stat、fstat和lstat函数 71 4.3 文件类型 72 4.4 设置用户ID和设置组ID 74 4.5 文件访问权限 75 4.6 新文件和目录的所有权 77 4.7 access函数 77 4.8 umask函数 79 4.9 chmod和fchmod函数 81 ...


    4.2 stat, fstat和lstat函数 54 4.3 文件类型 55 4.4 设置-用户-ID和设置-组-ID 57 4.5 文件存取许可权 58 4.6 新文件和目录的所有权 60 4.7 access函数 60 4.8 umask函数 62 4.9 chmod和fchmod函数 63 4.10 粘住位 ...

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