
SpringDM笔记23-Using the open EntityManager in view pattern实现延迟加载


1. The open EntityManager in view pattern


    failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:
    no session or session was closed


    With Spring, the lazy loading is tied to its resource management within its data access support.

    According to the data access configuration, Spring is responsible for obtaining and releasing the

    underlying resources of the JPA implementation. This implies that the scope of the resource

    transparently changes. These are the impacts on resources scope in two use cases.


    ■ No transaction configured —Spring obtains an EntityManager instance before the call of every

    JpaTemplate method and releases it after each call. EntityManager instances aren’t gathered and

    every call uses a different EntityManager.
    ■ Transaction applied on service methods —Spring obtains an EntityManager instance and uses it

    for all the nested calls within the service method logic. The resource is obtained before the call of

    every service method, stored in a variable of type ThreadLocal , and released when the service

    method exits.

2. Using the open EntityManager in view pattern with Spring DM

    Components using the open EntityManager in view pattern and data access components are

    typically separated , because the former implement the UI of applications. Moreover, data access

    components must make their EntityManagerFactory entities accessible as OSGi services so that

    the user interface component can get at them。

    Exporting the EntityManagerFactory bean as an OSGi service:

    <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="(...)">
    <osgi:service ref="entityManagerFactory"


    <osgi:reference id="entityManagerFactory" interface="javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory"/>





    You’ll notice that the filter is, by default, based on the EntityManagerFactory bean with the

    identifier entityManagerFactory. This configuration can be changed with the 

    entityManagerFactoryBeanName filter initialization parameter. After performing this configuration,

    your web application can lazily load data to build its views.


    To summarize, the open EntityManager in view pattern provides a workable solution to using

    lazy loading in JPA. This feature isn’t difficult to implement in an OSGi environment using Spring

    DM, but it requires the sharing of EntityManagerFactory. Components using this pattern are

    then tied to the underlying technology both through the service type and by the packages

    needed in the manifest configuration.



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