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Asterisk Extension中的Application命令详解四

  • VOIP

Hangup( )        Unconditionally hangs up the current channel

Hangup( )
Unconditionally hangs up the current channel. 无条件的挂起当前通道
Always returns -1. 返回值:-1

exten => 123,1,Answer( )
exten => 123,2,Playback(im-sorry)
exten => 123,3,Hangup( )
See Also  请参阅:

Answer( )  

HasNewVoicemail( )        Conditionally  branches if there is new voicemail in the indicated voicemail box


Similar  to  HasVoicemail( ).  This  application  branches  to  priority  n+101  (where  n  is  the current  priority)  if  there  is  new  (unheard)  voicemail  in  the  voicemail  box  indicated  by vmbox.  The  context  argument  corresponds  to  the  voicemail  context,  and  folder  corresponds  to  a  voicemail  folder.  If  the  voicemail  folder  is  not  specified,  it  defaults  to  the INBOX folder. If the varname argument is present, HasNewVoicemail( ) assigns the number of messages in the specified folder to that variable.
类似于HasVoicemail()函数。如果vmbox提示有未听过的语音邮件在voicemail  box中则应用转移到优先级n+101(n为当前优先级)。下文讨论了相符合的语音环境,和相符合文件夹的语音文件夹。如果未指定文件夹,缺省到INBOX文件夹。如果变量名称确定的话,HasNewVoicemail()指定消息数目到指定的变量文件夹。

; check to see if there's unheard voicemail in INBOX of mailbox 123
; in the default voicemail context
exten => 123,1,Answer( )
exten => 123,2,HasNewVoicemail(123@default,COUNT)
exten => 123,3,Playback(vm-youhave)
exten => 123,4,Playback(vm-no)
exten => 123,5,Playback(vm-messages) exten => 123,103,Playback(vm-youhave) exten => 123,104,SayNumber($COUNT) exten => 123,105,Playback(vm-messages)

See Also  请参阅

HasVoicemail( ), MailboxExists( )

IAX2Provision( )        Provisions a calling IAXy device

Provisions a calling IAXy device (assuming that the calling entity is an IAXy) with the given template.  If  no  template  is  specified,  the  default  template  is  used.  IAXy  provisioning templates are defined in the iaxprov.conf configuration file.

Returns -1 on error or 0 on success.  错误返回-1成功则返回0

; provision IAXy devices with the default template when they dial this extension
exten => 123,1,IAX2Provision(default)

ImportVar( )        Sets a variable based on a channel variable from a different channel

Sets  variable  newvar  to  variable  as  evaluated  on  the  specified  channel  (instead  of  the current channel). If newvar is prefixed with _, single inheritance is assumed. If prefixed with__, infinite inheritance is assumed.

; read the Caller ID information from channel Zap/1
exten => 123,1,Answer( )
exten => 123,1,ImportVar(cidinfo=Zap/1,CALLERID)

See Also

Set( )

LookupBlacklist( )        Performs a lookup of a Caller ID name/number from the blacklist database

LookupBlacklist( )
Looks  up  the  Caller  ID  number  on  the  active  channel  in  the  Asterisk  database  (family blacklist). If the number is found, and if there exists a priority n+101 (where n is the priority of the current instance), the channel will be set up to continue at that priority level. Other- wise, the application returns 0. If no Caller ID was received on the channel, it does nothing
To add to the blacklist from the Asterisk CLI, type database put blacklist name/number.
通过Asterisk命令行:database put blacklist name/number添黑名单。

; send blacklisted numbers to an endless loop
; otherwise, dial the number defined by the variable ${JOHN}
exten => s,1,Answer( )
exten => s,2,LookupBlacklist( )
exten => s,3,Dial(${JOHN})
exten => s,103,Playback(tt-allbusy)
exten => s,104,Wait(10)
exten => s,105,Goto(103)

LookupCIDName( )        Performs a lookup of a Caller ID name from the AstDB

LookupCIDName( )
Uses the Caller ID number on the active channel to retrieve the Caller ID name from the AstDB (family cidname). This application does nothing if no Caller"*ID was received on the channel. This is useful if you do not subscribe to Caller ID name delivery, or if you want to change the Caller ID names on some incoming calls.
在动态通道中使用呼叫ID从AstDB(cidname 系列)中检索呼叫名称,如果通道中没有找到呼叫ID则程序未反应,如果你不想将呼叫ID名称传输或者在一些呼入中不想改变呼叫ID名称,这将是非常有用的。

Always returns 0.  总是返回0

; look up the Caller ID information from the AstDB, and pass it along
; to Jane's phone
exten => 123,1,Answer( )
exten => 123,2,LookupCIDName( )
exten => 123,3,Dial(SIP/Jane)

Macro( )        Calls a previously defined macro

Executes a macro defined in the context named macro-macroname, jumping to the s exten- sion of that context and executing each step, then returning when the steps end.
The calling extension, context, and priority are stored in ${MACRO_EXTEN}, ${MACRO_CONTEXT}, and ${MACRO_PRIORITY}, respectively. Arguments arg1, arg2, etc. become ${ARG1}, ${ARG2}, etc. in the macro context.
Macro( ) returns -1 if any step in the macro returns -1, and 0 otherwise. If ${MACRO_OFFSET} is set at termination, this application will attempt to continue at priority MACRO_OFFSET+n+1 if such a step exists, and at n+1 otherwise. (In both cases, n stands for the current priority.) If you call the Goto( ) application inside of the macro, the macro will terminate and control will go to the destination of the Goto( ).

; define a macro to count down from the specified value
[macro-countdown]   定义宏用来统计从[macro-countdown]指定的值
exten => s,1,Set(COUNT=${ARG1}) exten => s,2,While($[ ${COUNT} > 0]) exten => s,3,SayNumber(${COUNT})
exten => s,4,Set(COUNT=$[ ${COUNT} - 1 ])
exten => s,5,EndWhile( )

; call our macro with two different values  用两种不同的值调用宏
exten => 123,1,Macro(countdown,10)
exten => 124,1,Macro(countdown,5)

See Also

Goto( ), Chapter 6

MailboxExists( )        Conditionally branches if the specified voicemail box exists
                                         如果voicemail box存在则有条件的转移
Conditionally branches to priority n+101 (where n is the current priority) if the voicemail box  specified  by  the  mailbox  argument  exists.  You  may  pass  a  voicemail  context  if  the mailbox is not in the default voicemail context.
如果被mailbox参数指定的voicemail box存在则将优先级转移到n+101(n为当前优先级).如果说mailbox不在缺省的voicemail环境则你可以通过一个voicemail环境.

exten => 123,1,Answer( )
exten => 123,2,MailboxExists(123@default)
exten => 123,3,Playback(im-sorry)
exten => 123,103,Voicemail(u123)

See Also

HasVoicemail( ), HasNewVoicemail( )



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