
IE setAttribute onclick 问题


Why does an onclick property set with setAttribute fail to work in IE?


Ran into this problem today, posting in case someone else has the same issue.

var execBtn = document.createElement('input');
execBtn.setAttribute("type", "button");
execBtn.setAttribute("id", "execBtn");
execBtn.setAttribute("value", "Execute");
execBtn.setAttribute("onclick", "runCommand();");



Turns out to get IE to run an onclick on a dynamically generated element, we can't use setAttribute. Instead, we need to set the onclick property on the object with an anonymous function wrapping the code we want to run.


execBtn.onclick = function() { runCommand() };



You can do

execBtn.setAttribute("onclick", function() { runCommand() });


but it will break in IE in non-standards mode according to @scunliffe.


You can't do this at all

execBtn.setAttribute("onclick", runCommand() );


because it executes immediately, and sets the result of runCommand() to be the onClick attribute value , nor can you do

execBtn.setAttribute("onclick", runCommand);





Or you could use jQuery and avoid all those issues:

var execBtn = $("<input>")
    .attr("type", "button")
    .attr("id", "execBtn")
    .attr("value", "Execute")

jQuery will take care of all the cross-browser issues as well.





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