
maven command examples


mvn install :  build application


mvn site    : generate application site


mvn test    : run unit test. (Put your test in src/test/java; add a test-scoped dependency on either TestNG or JUnit)


mvn -v       : check maven version, java version, os info


mvn help:describe -Dplugin=help          :  brief description on the plugin help


mvn help:describe -Dplugin=help -Dfull :  full description on the plugin help


mvn help:describe -Dplugin=compiler -Dmojo=compile -Dfull : full description on the plugin compiler, goal compile


mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.sonatype.mavenbook.ch03 -DartifactId=simple -DpackageName=org.sonatype.mavenbook : create new simple empty project named simple


mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.sonatype.mavenbook.ch04 -DartifactId=simple-weather

-DpackageName=org.sonatype.mavenbook -Dversion=1.0


mvn help:effective-pom    : final POM which is composed of current project's POM and all ancestor's POMs. 


mvn dependency:resolve    : list out the jar files needed by the project


mvn dependency:tree         : list out the entire dependency tree







mvn one:convert       : convert maven 1 to maven 2 projects.




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