
Java 5 版本以上(SUN JVM)GC参数化调整大全


今天终于有所斩获,发现了Sun Hotspot JVM GC最全的参数调整列表:









Java 5以上版本(包含Java 5)GC的调整参数包含以下内容:












指定一个 object 在经历了 n young gc 后转移到 old generation , linux64 java6 下默认值是 15, 此参数对于 throughput collector 无效 , :-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=31


get,set 方法转成本地代码


打应垃圾收集时 , 系统的停顿时间 , :

Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0225920 seconds


指定 jvm New Generation 的大小 , :-Xmn256m。 这个参数很影响性能, 如果你的程序需要比较多的临时内存, 建议设置到512M, 如果用的少, 尽量降低这个数值, 一般来说128/256足以使用了。


指定线程桟大小 , :-Xss128k, 一般来说,webx框架下的应用需要256K。 如果你的程序有大规模的递归行为, 请考虑设置到512K/1M。 这个需要全面的测试才能知道。 不过, 256K已经很大了。 这个参数对性能的影响比较大的。


-XX:PretenureSizeThreshold =<value>:当对象大于该值就直接分配到堆的 ‘老生代’ 区域





Option Default Description
-Xms<n> Initial size, in bytes, of the heap.
–Xmx<n> Maximum size, in bytes, of the heap.
40 (min)
70 (max)
Target range for the proportion of free space to
total heap size. These are applied per generation.
For example, if minimum is 30 and the percent of
free space in a generation falls below 30%, the size
of the generation is expanded so as to have 30% of
the space free. Similarly, if maximum is 60 and the
percent of free space exceeds 60%, the size of the
generation is shrunk so as to have only 60% of the
space free.
–XX:NewSize=n Default initial size of the new (young) generation
in bytes.
–XX:NewRatio=n 2 on client JVM,
8 on server JVM
Ratio between the young and old generations. For
example, if n is 3, then the ratio is 1:3 and the
combined size of Eden and the survivor spaces is
one fourth of the total size of the young and old
–XX:SurvivorRatio=n 32 Ratio between each survivor space and Eden. For
example, if n is 7, each survivor space is one–ninth
of the young generation (not one–eighth, because
there are two survivor spaces).
–XX:MaxPermSize=n Platform–dependent Maximum size of the permanent generation.






Option Garbage Collector Selected
–XX:+UseSerialGC 串行回收器
–XX:+UseParallelGC 并行回收器
–XX:+UseParallelOldGC Parallel compacting
–XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC Concurrent mark–sweep (CMS)

2.4并行(Java5 以及以上版本-Server 模式默认的垃圾回收器)和并行压缩垃圾回收器的GC调整参数

Option Default Description
–XX:ParallelGCThreads=n The number of CPUs Number of garbage collector threads.
–XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=n No default Indicates to the collector that pause times of n
milliseconds or less are desired.
–XX:GCTimeRatio=n 99 Number that sets a goal that 1/(1+n) of the total time
be spent on garbage collection.


-XX:YoungGenerationSizeIncrement= <Y>

2.5 CMS垃圾回收器的GC调整参数


Option Default Description
–XX:+CMSIncrementalMode Disabled Enables a mode in which the concurrent phases are done
incrementally, periodically stopping the concurrent phase
to yield back the processor to the application.
–XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing Disabled Enables automatic control of the amount of work the CMS
collector is allowed to do before giving up the processor,
based on application behavior.
–XX:ParallelGCThreads=n The number of CPUs Number of garbage collector threads for the parallel
young generation collections and for the parallel parts of
the old generation collections.






指示只有在 old generation 在使用了初始化的比例后 concurrent collector 启动收集







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