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Flex 中的DataGrid和DataGridColumn上都可以使用styleFunction,如果在DataGrid上使用,那么样式会应用到符合条件的整行,如果是在DataGridColumn上使用,那么样式只会应用到具体的列上,styleFunction的签名是固定的,如下: public function myStyleFunc(data:Object,col:AdvancedDataGridColumn):Object { if (data["Artist"] == artistName) return {fontWeight:&q ...
用Flex+BlazeDS时,如果你发现flex端传过来的参数是ASObject,而不是对应的Java object,那么你可以写代码手动转换,毕竟ASObject里面已经包含了所对应的Java Object的信息。下面是一些方法,有用了泛型的,有没有的,还有一个转换CriteriaVO的案例方法。 /** * If flex application is running in debug mode, then you need to manually * convert ASObject to your concrete object, otherwise you wil ...
注意,这里的参考文章基本来自Effective Java和jdk源码 1)ConcurrentModificationException 当你用for each遍历一个list时,如果你在循环主体代码中修改list中的元素,将会得到这个Exception,解决的办法是: 1)用listIterator, 它支持在遍历的过程中修改元素, 2)不用listIterator, new一个新的list,copy old list content to new list, and then modify the new created list, in this way we can avoid suc ...
开发java webservice项目时,如果我们通过SOAP协议来输入输出,我们会利用工具从wsdl文件生成webservice的client端类,但是这里面生成的java data model类却不适合做为项目中的普通java vo类来使用,当然有一中情况例外,如果这个自动生成的类里面的properties都是基本数据类型,就没问题,但是如果有集合类,就不行。原因如下: 1)使用了集合如List students,自动生成的类不提供setStudents方法,要想给list成员变量赋值,只能通过getStudents().add(student)方式,这样在使用时非常不方便。 2)如果用了泛 ...
When you got error message like "Property null not found ***", try to fix it by the following way: 1)if you are using AdvancedDatagrid, make sure you only update the data in the data provider instead of setting a new reference to data provider each time. right way: (dgPortfolioViewer.data ...
The full ordering also puts settings.xml repositories ahead of repositories in the pom.xml file. 1. settings.xml - reverse profile order 2. pom.xml repositories 3. parent pom.xml repositories
The final two methods of the IEventDispatcher interface provide useful information about the existence of event listeners. The hasEventListener() method returns true if an event listener is found for a specific event type on a particular display list object. The willTrigger() method also returns true ...
1. Be careful when defining uid property in your class if you defined a uid property in your class (in regardless of its type, no matter what type it is), you will certainly find something wrong in your application soon, such as you cannot select some rows in List control and nodes in Tree control, w ...
Cannot select certain rows in List component or DataGrid component The problem is that for each item in data provider, we must get a unique ID (UID) for it, if two or more items in data provider get the same UID after call itemToUID method, then we only can select one of them and can never successfu ...
1) 它们都有MXML组件和ActionScript类用法 2) XML有且只有一个根结点, XMLList是XML的片段,可以有多个根结点, XMLListCollection是集合对象,当数据变化时,能通知其对应的监听器,既可以使用数据绑定,而XML和XMLList对象不具备这一点。 3) 一般采用XMLListCollection作为数据绑定的源,由XMLListCollection包装XML或XMLList对象。 4) XML组件能直接读取.xml文件,但是XML, XMLList, XMLListCollection对象不能直接读取,但是可以采用HTTPService组件来间接达到读取 ...
Specifies whether the component is included in the layout of the parent container, if true, the object is included in its parent container’s layout. If false, the object is positioned by its parent container as per its layout rules, but it is ignored for the purpose of computing the position of the n ...
protected TypedQuery<SearchResult> getCriteriaQuery(SearchType searchType,SearchCriteria searchCriteria){ CriteriaBuilder cb=histDao.getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery cq=cb.createQuery(RequestInfo.class); // Metamodel m=histDao.getEntityManager().getMetamodel(); // ...
Here are some very useful resources for learning java, you can find many sample codes or examples there. 1)http://www.javapractices.com/home/HomeAction.do 2)http://www.javabeginner.com/toc.htm 3)http://java4coders.com/ 4)http://vidyapsi.wordpress.com/category/java/ ThinkDifferently
Linked Hash Set: 1)LinkedHashSet implementation is a subclass of the HashSet class. It works similarly to a HashSet, except for one important detail. Unlike a HashSet, a LinkedHashSet guarantees that the iterator will access the elements in insertion order, that is, in the order in which they were i ...
2.1 Introduction Java's generics implementation was based on a project originally called Pizza, which was done by Martin Odersky and others. Pizza was renamed GJ, then it turned into a JSR and ended up being adopted into the Java language. And this particular generics proposal had as a key design goa ...
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