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VIM reference

  • IDE
1. <程序员的编辑器—VIM> http://blog.chinaunix.net/space.php?uid=10237424&do=blog&id=2967898   2.  <普通人的编辑利器——Vim> http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_46dac66f010005kw.html   3. <VIM 命令备忘(图)> http://www.itwhy.org/2011/08-20/946.html   4. <手把手教你把Vim改装成一个IDE编程环境(图文)> http:/ ...
http://www.theirm.org/publications/documents/IRMRiskAppetiteFullweb.pdf   2. <Making sense of risk appetite, tolerance, and acceptance (2nd edition)> http://www.internalcontrolsdesign.co.uk/appetite/full.shtml   3.http://www.alisan.biz/File/News/1/S71.pdf
AOA - More data representation 1) floating point (real) numeric format     a) Limitation of floating point arithmatic        - Normal algebraic rules ----> infinite precision arithmetic  (as long as overflow does not occur)     b) when doing adding and subtracting in scientific notation, we must a ...
1.Decimal -> Binary: 1) Power of 2 down to 2**0 2) even/odd - divided by two algorithm - first step:  even - 0, odd -1 - second step:  * / 2:  quotient even: prefix 0                         quotient odd:  prefix 1                         go back to second step 2. Low order -> le ...
1. http://blog.csdn.net/dh_fa/article/details/5902463 2. 金融数学讨论 http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-981040-1-1.html
1. Preprocessor -> compiler -> assembler -> linker    *.c -> *.s -> *.o -> * 2. Program Counter --> %EIP  --> Indicate the address in memory that the next instruction to be executed. 3. Register 4. condition code registers 5. floating-point registers 6. Program memory contains ...
1. unsigned positive integer including 0       ---> unsigned encoding 2. signed integer                              ---> Two's-complement encoding 3. Real number ---> Floating-point encoding       4. Virtual memory Address - Every byte of memory is identified by a unique ...
1) Visual Calculus 即“可视化微积分”,用动态图像的方法来学习微积分,英文版 http://archives.math.utk.edu/visual.calculus/
一,数学 1,  数学分析新讲(三册) ,张筑生 编著,北京大学出版社。 都云作者痴,谁解其中味。读张老师的数学分析,您会体会作者的苦心的。 2,  数学分析八讲 ,辛钦 著,王会林,齐民友 译,武汉大学出版社。 这本 ...
1) 数学分析新讲 - 张筑生 2) 高等代数 - 林成森,盛松 3) Computational Methods - Springer出版社,高等教育出版社 4) 基础集合论 - 北师大     Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory 5) 面向计算机科学的数理逻辑 - 陆钟万     A Course of Mathematical Logic 6) 图论及其算法 - 王树禾     图论及其应用 - Bondy & Murty     Modern Graph Theory - 世界图书引进有GTM系列 7) 离散数学 - 邵学才 8) [组合数学 ...
1) 维修地点 http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/Station/thinkServiceStation/ViewStation.aspx?id=31700100 2)IWS http://think.lenovo.com.cn/htmls/other/detail_1262079812049.html

Probability - 1

1)Random Experiment 2)Sample Space 3)Event 4)Sample point 5)Simple event 6)Compound event 7)Equally likely events 8)Exhaustive events 9)Sure event 10)Mutually exclusive or disjoint event 11)Independent or mutually independent events 12)Difference between mutually exclusive an mutually independent ev ...
1) 轮循算法(Round Robin) 2) 哈希算法(HASH) 3) 最少连接算法(Least Connection) 4) 响应速度算法(Response Time) 5) 加权法(Weighted ) 2a) Consistent Hashing http://weblogs.java.net/blog/2007/11/27/consistent-hashing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing
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