

singleton & adaptor  
“墨菲法则”、“帕金森定律”和“彼德原理” 并称为二十世纪西方文化中最杰出的三大发现。它源于1949年,一名叫墨菲的美国空军上尉工程师,发现:如果某件事有可能变坏的话,这种可能就会成为现 实。这就是墨菲法则。它的适用范围非常广泛,它揭示的了一种独特的社会及自然现象。它的极端表述是:如果坏事有可能发生,不管这种可能性有多小,它总会发 生,并造成最大可能的破坏。  墨菲法则摘录 墨菲法则摘录     If anything can go wrong, it will。     如果事情还能更糟的话,它会的。     In nature, nothing is e ...
DMI_QUEUE_ITEM A queue item object stores information about an object placed on a user’s queue. Object type tag: 1b A queue item object recods information about tasks and other objects queued to a specific user's Inbox. Tasks are typically queued to a user when that user is selected as the per ...
Document/Object store path   (R_OBJECT_ID)090003ec8002034f  --> 09(TYPE)   0003ec(repository id, PATH1)    8002034f(unique id )(DMR_CONTENT.DATA_TICKET)-2147402421 -->16进制路径80013D4B  path:  0003ec\80\01\3D\4B.extention   dmr_content.parent_id represents the sys.r_obj_id, sysobj.r_id <- ...
Known issues with Java method server(DCTM5.3) Some time some custom application can cause Method Server to put heavy load on the content server. On further investigation we have found that if the application uses asynchronous server method invocations, then execution agent can potentially launch hun ...
There seem to be more and more posts on the forums about jobs ‘stuck’ in the Running state and I have been investigating this problem for a client recently so I thought I would summarise some of the troubleshooting techniques I use. This posting expands on the article I wrote a few ...
concurrent_sessions in server.ini : The concurrent_sessions key controls the number of connections the server can handle concurrently. This number must take into account not only the number of users who will be using Documentum concurrently, but also what kinds of operations those users will ...
Helpful DQL: 1. Creating a usercreate “dm_user” objectset client_capability=2,set default_folder=’’,set home_docbase=’’,set user_address=’a@abc.com’,set user_os_domain=’’,set user_name=’’,set user_os_name=’’,set user_privileges=0;2. DQL to execute stored procedure (works for all supported DBMSes)exec ...
心理学课上,周正教授正在授课:“上次下课时,一个男孩子递了张纸条:'我是个比较内向的人,又没什么特长,不会踢足球,不会打篮球……唯一的爱好是写作。进入大学后,看到周围的同学在交往、工作中左右逢源、如鱼得 ...
在实现时长分析功能时遇到莫名奇妙的错误,java.util.Date和string之间进行相互转换。使用parse和format方法。在程序运行中却抛出java.lang.NumberFormatException异常。   String todayZeroHourTimeStr = zeroHourFormat.format(todayTime);// 当日零点  Date todayZeroHourTime = zeroHourFormat.parse(todayZeroHourTimeStr);  java.lang.NumberFormatException: For inpu ...
使用dom4j进行校验时是将整个文件读入内存,处理大文件内存溢出。 使用xsd schema,通过stax读取xml大文件解决问题。   import java.io.*; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; import javax.xml.validation.*; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;   public class XMLVali ...
代码评审,是指通过阅读代码来检查源代码与编码标准的符合性以及代码质量的活动(也有工具支持自动检查)。  评审内容: 1. 编码规范(包括注释规范、变量命名规范、System.out<日志使用>、代码可读性), 2. 代码结 ...
Runtime versus compile time Java typically has a flat classpath, whether at compile time or at runtime. In other words, applications normally have full visibility to any class that's found on the classpath, regardless of the order of entries in the classpath (assuming that there are no overlaps, a ...
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