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  • 来自: 广州
i.e. 也就是 Please advise 请指导 incorporate [inˈkɔ:pəreit] 包含, 加上, 吸收 put it aside first 在一边 with a solid xx(n) base 以xx为坚实基础 have a grasp of the trade-off involved in the choice of tools and environments grasp of : 理解 trade-off : ...
Topic of meeting: 1.    What did we do this week? 2.    What’s the tasks we plan to do next week? 3.    Is there any trouble we met during this week? 4.    Is there any suggestion on our daily work? 5.    Have a simple presentation for each project.
As: and i will discuss with you once  i am done with that As: btw we can talk about the issue you described in your email 2010 04 14 As: ok, pls reply his email when it is done and briefly (简单地说 ) describe what changes you made. 08/11/01 guys, seems no room for our ...
010 01 14 (from A') As discussed in the daily status meeting in Wednesday afternoon, please drop an email to XX when you come back to the office in the morning. In the email, you specify the task you will do on that day and, if it is appropriate , you can also briefly describe any problems you ...
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