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Because of it ubiquitous nature, automatic emailing is something that many clients expect. People want to be notified immediately of changes on their sites -- when a new article has been submitted, or a blog comment has been posted. Joomla! already provides some of this functionality out of the ...
Joomap is a Sitemap component for Joomla CMS version 1.5.x. Joomap offers a wide range of configuration options and can also generate a Google Sitemaps listing of your website’s structure. Joomap also implements a very simple plugin-mechanism to import content from external components ...
Step 1 : Go to the Sitemaps section on Joomla.org . Step 2 : Download one of these components: Joomap, XMap or SEF Service Map. They are all good solutions. Our how-to here will focus on XMap. Step 3 : In your admininstrator area, go to Extensions >> Install / Uninstall and ...
<style type="text/css"> body{font-family:georgia;} #container{width:500px;margin:auto;font-size:11pt;} #menu{position:absolute;margin-top:10px;} #menu ul .item{display:none;} #menu ul:hover .item{display:block;background:#000;padding:1px;margin:1px;} #menu ul:hover .item a{c ...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html ...
字符 描述 \   将下一个字符标记为一个特殊字符、或一个原义字符、或一个 向后引用、或一个八进制转义符。例如,'n' 匹配字符 "n"。'\n' 匹配一个换行符。序列 '\\' 匹配 "\" 而 "\(" 则匹配 "("。 ^ ...
善用css缩写可以减少页面文件大小,提高下载速度,同时使代码简洁可读。如:div{    border-top:1px solid #cccccc;    border-left:1px solid #cccccc;    border-right:1px soli #cccccc;    border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc;}可以写为 p{border:1px solid #cccccc} ...
定义格式:另外,形如id="aaa"定义的,在css中是这样设置其样式的:#aaa{ 样式列表 }而以class="bbb"形式定义的,在css中应该这样设置其样式:.bbb{ 样式列表 }(注意前面有一个点) 用途:class元素分2种,关 联的和独 立 ...
登录Cpanel空间后台的方法: 如果你的域名解析成功后,你也可以用你的域名登录: http://你的域名/cpanel 当然,登陆cPanel的形式有很多,也可以用下面的地址登录: http://服务器ip:2082 http://你的域名:2082   新建网站就是把你 ...
At this point, we've got the Menu and Menu Items done. Now we need to create the Menu Modules. In Joomla!, the Menu Module determines three main things: (1) what the menu looks like; (2) where on the page it will show; and (3) on which pages it will show. We will do two examples. In the first example ...
If you installed the sample data during the Joomla install then you can simply modify the Main Menu from the Administration area using the Module Manager. If you don't have the sample data installed just follow the procedure for creating a menu and then apply all the settings below. Select the Main ...
There are a number of great improvements to menus in Joomla 1.5. These are focussed on providing more flexibility to template designers and making Joomla sites more accessible and W3C valid. Specifically, significant improvments have been made to bulleted lists to now allow better submenus (for thi ...
Drop down menus can be created in Joomla 1.5.x simply by following a short number of steps. The Bulletproof Templates blank skeleton template can be used for creating the drop down menus in a fast and efficient way. Alternatively, you can start from scratch and still achieve the same results. The st ...
一 控制流程函数a) CASE WHEN THEN 函数语法: CASE value WHEN [compare-value] THEN result [WHEN [compare-value] THEN result ……] [ELSE result ] END CASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [WHEN[condition] THEN result ……] [ELSE result] END ;函数用法说明:在第一个方案的返回结果中, value =compare-value 。而第二个方案的返回结果是第一种情况的真实结果。如果没有匹配的结果值,则返回结果 ...
虽然 JavaScript 有很多用处,但是处理字符串是其中最流行的一个。下面让我们深入地分析一下使用 JavaScript 操作字符串。 在 JavaScript 中, String 是对象。 String 对象并不是以字符数组的方式存储的,所以我们必须使用内建函数来操纵它们的值。这些内建函数提供了不同的方法来访问字符串变量的内容。下面我们详细看一下这些函数。 操作字符串的值是一般的开发人员必须面临的家常便饭。操作字符串的具体方式有很多,比如说从一个字符串是提取出一部分内容来,或者确定一个字符串是否包含一个特定的字符。下面的 JavaScript 函数为开发人员提供了他们所需要的所有功能: ...
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