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Top 5 JS template

  • JS
Progressions in application development with JavaScript has led to a number of libraries existing to support them. Developer Jack Franklin talks through some of the popular templating libraries. When you build a JavaScript application, you'll almost certainly use some JavaScript templates. Rather ...
<script type="text/javascript"> Shadowbox.init({ onClose: SBClose }); function SBclose(){ if($.browser.msie && $browser.version < = 8.0){ $("body").css({'font-family',"xxxx"}); } } </script> ...
Most people don’t know this but my honours thesis was about using a computer program to read text out of web images. My theory was that if you could get a high level of successful extraction you could use it as another source of data which could be used to improve search engine results. I was even q ...
here are a large number of pop-up/dialog box libraries that are now available. Many of the pop-up dialog options out there support the same features. However, in our testing we found that some failed terribly. As part of this post, I'd like to cover a quick comparison of what I found in hopes that i ...
<script type="text/javascript"> var fqdn = 'demo.restaurantappengines.com'; (function() { if (document.getElementById('restoloadscript')){return false;} var j1 = document.createElement('script'); j1.type = 'text/javascript'; j1.async = true; j1.src = '//' + fqdn; j1.src += '/ ...

Export CSV UTF-8 BOM

  • PHP
本身的编码是以UTF-8无BOM格式编码的,要在excel中显示要加上BOM   $str = "\xEF\xBB\xBF"

loadbalance apache3

Usually a single AMP system is enough to serve - let's say - around 500 concurrent users. Sometimes more, sometimes less, strongly depending on the particular web application, the overall architecture of your system, of course the hardware itself, and how you define "concurrent users". Ne ...
In the course of working on Drupal 8 and attending various Drupal events, I've met quite a few Drupal 7 module developers curious about what they'll need to learn to be successful Drupal 8 module developers. Several people in the Drupal community have started writing blog posts about that, including ...
Just like the feature in drupal 7. In drupal8, the feature module  have already intergreated inside. so you can easy to sync your site from to local to remote.  please do the step as below and enjoy it .   The process is the same if you mirror your site from local to server or the other direction ...
Click on Configuration Click on File Types For Video, click on manage file display For the display you are using (Default, Link, Preview, etc..), click on the YouTube Video tab under Display Settings. Check the box called "Autoplay video on load"

git useful commands

  • Git
Git常用操作命令收集: 1) 远程仓库相关命令 检出仓库:$ git clone git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git 查看远程仓库:$ git remote -v 添加远程仓库:$ git remote add [name] [url] 删除远程仓库:$ git remote rm [name] 修改远程仓库:$ git remote set-url --push[name][newUrl] 拉取远程仓库:$ git pull [remoteName] [localBranchName] 推送远程仓库:$ git push [remote ...

loadbalance apache2

随着访问量的不断提高,以及对响应速度的要求,进行负载均衡设置就显得非常必要了。公司的系统在最初设计的时候就已经考虑到了负载均衡的规划,www静态服务器配置了两台,由于初期项目时间紧,并且访问量并不高,所 ...

loadbalance apache

下载Apache源码,然后进入主目录按make方式编译,安装,如下: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/httpd --enable-so --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-ajp --enable-proxy-http --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy-balancer make make install 默认安装在/usr/local ...

drush drupal feature

Drush is a shell utility that eases your life with Drupal. Bored of all these clicks? Let Drush help you! Even better: Features is well integrated into Drush and let you do everything via commands: $ drush features to list all existing features and their state $ drush fd <my_feature> (featu ...
When you create a feature like a photo gallery, slideshow, blog or forum for Drupal, it involves installation of quite a few individual modules. In addition, each module often requires a lot of configuration. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just create a feature just once and reuse it time a ...
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