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my error set

== is not equal to = #define N 3 void input(struct Players nba[],int N); 原因是:宏N与函数参数N重名。
------------------------------------------------------------------ 因为在一些不需要什么体力的任务上,人们的自制力也可能被消耗。 。所以就像肌肉一样,自制力用得太多,人们也会疲劳,所以要集中自制力放在最要紧的事情上。就是说有自制力的人在各个方面都会更有自制力。自我控制的行为会导致人体血液中的葡萄糖含量减少,这也就解释了为什么人们的自制力是有限的。就像Walter Mischel所说,自制力不能操控世界,但却可以改变我们对待世界的方式。就像你使用一个绝招消耗内力之后,再使另一招时,威力会下降。 ----------------- ...
http://www.cnblogs.com/tintown/archive/2005/04/24/144272.html 索引详解。。。 [url]http://blog.163.com/cshzxing@126/blog/static/3773293020085412454118 [/url]/ 索引的创建和使用 gcc和g++的区别 http://hi.baidu.com/342698145/blog/item/004f0133f5846d14eac4af0b.html http://www.linuxdiyf.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=109684 So ...
http://www.cnblogs.com/tintown/archive/2005/04/24/144272.html 索引详解。。。 http://blog.163.com/cshzxing@126/blog/static/3773293020085412454118 索引的创建和使用 http://www.cnblogs.com/study123/archive/2008/12/03/1346736.html declare @sql nvarchar(4000) set @sql= N'select @TotalRecords=count(*) from ' + N'(' + @sq ...
http://hi.baidu.com/eldh/blog/item/9591311fadcdb16cf724e4c8.html 10年编程无师自通---Peter Norvig,GOOGLE研究部主任 我认为语言的选择并不如其他方面的选择那么重要:如果你有了正确的总体架构、正确的程序员团队、正确的开发过程(能够快速开发、持续改善),那么很多语言都能胜任;但如果以上的东西你没有,那无论选择什么语言,你都会陷入一团糟。
今天遇到的问题: 在建立与服务器的连接时出错。在连接到 SQL Server 2005 时,在默认的设置下 SQL Server 不允许进行远程连接可能会导致此失败。 (provider: SQL 网络接口, error: 26 - 定位指定的服务器/实例时出错) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) 这次的解决办法: 开始->程序->Microsoft SQL Server 2005->SQL Server 2005外围应用配置器,在打开的界面单击"服务的连接的外围应用配置器",在打开的界面中找到Database Eng ...
1.Short for File Transfer Protocol, the protocol for exchanging files over the Internet. FTP works in the same way as HTTP for transferring Web pages from a server to a user's browser and SMTP for transferring electronic mail across the Internet in that, like these technologies, FTP uses the Internet ...
SQL Server与Oracle数据库在安全性上的异同 http://news.newhua.com/news/2011/0214/115420.shtml  浅析SQL Server与Oracle数据库的区别 http://www.dedecms.com/knowledge/data-base/generalized/2009/0929/341.html Oracle与SQL Server在企业应用中的比较 http://tech.163.com/05/0606/10/1LIAGLN000091589.html
一般来说,如果含有中文字符,用nchar/nvarchar,如果纯英文和数字,用char/varchar CHAR,NCHAR 定长,速度快,占空间大,需处理 VARCHAR,NVARCHAR,TEXT 不定长,空间小,速度慢,无需处理 NCHAR、NVARCHAR、NTEXT处理Unicode码 http://hi.baidu.com/dociletiger/blog/item/39df0fceb7260d3bb700c84a.html 要简化查询,可以将 Excel 工作簿配置为 SQL Server 中的链接服务器 dtexec 命令提示实用工具用于配置和执行 SQL Server ...
Servlet config is very important in servlet's life. Every servlet gets a reference to servlet config object when its init method runs . Before init method runs(i.e servlet does not have a reference to config object) a servlet is a any other java class. It is only after servlet gets a reference to a c ...
The focus here is specifically J2EE security, which is a type of application security because it deals with a J2EE application's users (i.e., callers). There are five main functions when considering application security: authentication, authorization, registration, account maintenance (updates) ...
That is the key difference, but this has some important implications: 1) If you use a RequestDispatcher, the target servlet/JSP receives the same request/response objects as the original servlet/JSP. Therefore, you can pass data between them using request.setAttribute(). With a sendRedirect(), it is ...
在通过 session.getAttribute("字段")) 或 request.getAttribute("字段") 取得数据时得到的是对象类型的数据,如何把得到的数据转换成整型(int)呢? 有两种方法: 1、现在把对象类型的数据转换成字符串类型,如:      String num = request.getAttribute("number").toString();      然后把字符串类型转换成整型:      int n = Integer.parseInt(num);      也可以写成      in ...
[size=xx-large][size=x-large]•Application: These objects has an application scope. These objects are available at the widest context level, that allows to share the same information between the JSP page's servlet and any Web components with in the same application. •Config: These object has a page sc ...
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